
MP Ssemujju Wants FDC Buried-Bugisu FDC Youths

By Emma Bwayo

Forum for Democratic Change has continued to slide into a Forum for Divided Comrades after a new wave of internal squabbles have emerged. With the Secretary General Nandala Mafabi and party president Eng. Amuriat Oboi being accused of trying to kill the party, now thhe youth leaders from Bugisu have weighed in accusing Kira Municipality MP also FDC spokesperson Ibrahim Ssemujju Nganda of being on a mission to bury FDC.

The Youth Leaders here are still praising both Nnadala and Oboi as good leaders who have managed the party excellently but are being fought by detractors led by Ssemujju.

The youth revealed this at a press briefing held at Dream Palace Hotel in Mbale City. Herbert Woniala the FDC Youth Chairperson for Mbale City says that Patrick Oboi Amuriat and Nathan Nandala Mafabi have managed the party well and need to be given credit.

According to Woniala, several party leaders and members have abandoned FDC at a time when it needs their support but Amuriat and Nandala have remained steadfast in pursuit of a better Uganda for everyone.

Sharif Makwasi an FDC youth leader from Sironko District says anyone with issues regarding the leadership of Patrick Oboi Amuriat and Nathan Nandala Mafabi should have used available mechanisms in the party as opposed to resorting to discussing them in the public domain. 

Makwasi accuses some party leaders of undermining Nathan Nandala Mafabi who has contributed immensely to the growth of FDC.

Rogers Dombodo an FDC member from Buteza Sub County in Sironko District says the party is still strong and this could be a ploy by a team led by MP Ssemuju Nganda to bring it dow. It should be recalled that FDC youth leaders from Wakiso last week held a similar media briefing in which they skinned Nandala and Oboi accusing them of being NRM moles in FDC and demanded for their resignation.



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