
Min. Kitutu Arrest Forces Gen. Museveni To Resort To Aggrey Awori Model To Indict, Pardon Iron Sheets Ministers!

PM Nabbanja, Min. Kaducu share a light moment with probe committee boss Ababiku a few days ago

The fate of ministers who stole iron sheets meant for underprivileged people of Karamoja will be determined by two factors; this News site understands!
These sheets were meant for people of whom president Museveni passionately wanted to not only to socially transform but also economically empower them with goats.

However, as things stand now, Museveni was betrayed by his own ministers with one of them Maria Goreti Kitutu already behind bars while others are still being questioned!

We’re told what pains Museveni most is the fact that these ministers sat in cabinet and deliberated on the issue of empowering Karamojongs and a budget was passed to that effect totaling to Shs39bn.

Secondly, the president we’re told is currently under unnecessary pressure from the West mainly European Union who want him to prove that he’s allergic to corruption. They claim that since he’s been claiming that there has always been no evidence, the iron sheets scandal is a litmus test for him to prove that he bites especially since much of this Karamoja budget is funded by donors.

Inspectors said with such two complex issues at hand, the General from Rwakitura has allegedly resorted to a model of sorts that was coined by (now late) minister Agrey Awori Siryoyi while he was still minister for ICT in 2010.

We’re told, during a meeting at State House, Awori shocked Museveni with a ‘brilliant idea’ of tractors.
Apparently, his ministry had received a grant of tractors aimed at agricultural mechanisation in Uganda. However, since the country was heading for 2011 elections which new recruit (at the time) Awori wanted NRM to win, he mooted a proposal that those tractors be given to NRM members of Parliament and ministers.

The idea according to Inspectors was for the beneficiaries to go to their constituencies to market themselves, governmnent and Museveni as a person using those machines.
“Your Excellency, I have got a strategy that I want to bring to the attention of this meeting. The NRM must resoundingly win this coming election (2011). To achieve this, there is a package of commercial facility involving tractors for commercial agriculture. MPs and Ministers in particular should use this facility to popularize the NRM party” Awori according to Inspectors told an attentive Museveni.

He however, proposed safeguards to the president on how this facility could not be abused by suggesting a model that required would-be beneficiaries to apply for the tractors as opposed to giving them out anyhow.
The deal was meant to lockout the opposition from benefiting from this facility while at the same time legally covering the NRM beneficiaries in case of future investigation.

“Your Excellency, members and ministers will apply for the tractors and they will be processed accordingly” he told the president who immediately showered Awori with praises describing him as a brilliant man.

“You see, you have been wasted in the opposition for a long time. I wish you joined us long ago and moved the country together. You can see such good ideas!” Museveni according to Inspectors responded.
Now we’re told, the president in his quest for justice for the people of Karamoja whose items have been stolen by ministers, is back to the Awori criteria to either indict or pardon the implicated ministers.

For now, he has reportedly asked his investigators to get the attendance list of ministers who were present on the day cabinet considered the Karamoja empowerment item.
In case there are some who attended but are part of the looting group, majority of them are going to be reprimanded politically. As for those who never attended this cabinet meeting but got the iron sheets, they will be cautioned in case there’s evidence that they were simply given the sheets by Kitutu ministry.

“If you attended cabinet meeting that day when the budget was passed for the items, it means you knew the purpose of the items. In case Kitutu abused the items, as a member of cabinet, what did you do since you knew the purpose of the budget. This is what Mzee is looking at” an inspector explained.

Kitutu has spent two days in the coolers and is due for charging in court but the multiagency investigation is still on.

Tags : NRMPresident Yoweri MuseveniPRIME MINISTER OF UGANDARobinah Nabajana


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