
MAAIF Pornography Scandal Shocks Nation As Top Ministry Boss Spends Budget On Nudes!

Recently, she is said to have acquired a State-Of-The-Art mobile handset!
Those who saw her get this gadget allegedly thought she was going to use it for official work at the ministry, but waapi!

The phone as it has turned out, was simply meant to assist in taking a classic video and pictures of herself while posing in Adam and Eve’s suit!
Not in one angle or two, but from this angle to several others in what seemed to be a special project of sorts that could have gone to a ‘donor’!

This officer, whose names, pictures and videos we ably have controls a juicy budget on top of her juicy salary.
By the way, she’s not a small officer because our Inspectors suggested that she’s born to one of the former legislators hailing from Omukama Solomon Gafabusa Iguru’s Bunyoro Kitara kingdom.

The brown lady is in her late 40s if not early 50s by the look of the videos and pictures but was candid enough to serve the nation her private life in form of pornographic pictures.
Her alleged actions along with another officer at the same ministry based in Entebbe may therefore, attract the attention of state minister for ethics and integrity Akello Rose Lilly if at all she cares about enforcing the Anti-Pornography Law just like her predecessor Fr. Simon Lokodo (RIP) did.

“We’re wondering what our colleague (minister-Akello) is doing. This matter should be investigated and the officials reprimanded. You can’t act in this matter as a governmnent officer. This is surely unbecoming of an officer” says an Inspector in cabinet.

This officer has shocked the nation after unleashing nudes exposing her gingatic bodymass whose shape is similar to that of a white ant queen.
“The upper part of her body is bigger than her lower part. The eyes are big” explained our modeling expert.

In the pictures including a 1.02minutes video recording, the top officer stood in her room and removed all clothes exposing her entire nuclear warheads which are as big as Russia’s Samart 2 ICBM!
In one of the pictures, the lady whose immoral pictures have ably landed on our desk, is seen spotting widely open eyes with her boobs, tummy and the Samart 2 ICBM partly exposed. Here she spots ‘come to bed eyes’!

In another picture, she’s seen standing fully wearing Eve’s suit as she takes a selfie in an ‘i don’t care’ mood! She’s seen standing almost on an electric extension cable in total show of carelessness about her safety as she took a selfie.
The boobs are totally out, the eyes, the armpits, Samart 2 ICBM and ageing thighs are erotically exposed!

In another picture, she’s seen lying on on her back spotting her eyes half way, the boobs, tummy and a very huge Samart 2 ICBM with taps loosened and water flowing like that of sipi falls in Kapchorwa.
In the video, she’s heard telling her lover who’s said to be also a top employee in the same ministry how she couldn’t squat well while at the same time she was filming herself.
“You know it’s difficult. I can’t take the video well” she’s heard telling her lover who seems to be on the other end of the call.

We’re told, the lady who’s at a rank of a full manager was sending these nudes her pal who’s a top official in the ministry with whom they have allegedly been cheating since the 3rd quarter of the budget was released in January.
We have learnt that in spite of this, the ministry’s permanent secretary Maj. Gen. David Kasura Kyomukama has always asked his staffs to be more productive and he continues to enforce discipline at work.

The former head of NALI before being posted to MAAIF as accounting officer is said to be putting tight controls to bring sanity to the sector whose former PS was knifed with disgrace by the president due to several scandals in the ministry.

This alleged latest saga however, is a sign that the battle-hardened general needs to go an extra mile to instill morals among his staffs besides the financial controls he’s undertaking!
For now, the particulars of the officers have been concealed but we pledge full escalation of the scandal similar to that of Russia-US war in Ukraine in due course!



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