
Magogo silences Range Rover Hecklers With Super Brace Against Speaker AAA

First it was the humongous gift of a Range Rover for a job well done and social media in-laws went gaga, asking what on earth could have forced our good speaker to part with such an unprecedented gift in this banana!

But without uttering any word, the FUFA president has answered the doubters by demonstrating that he is indeed a man of unmatched abilities who deserves more than a mere Range Rover. On Monday, Uganda went in a frenzy when deputy speaker Thomas Tayebwa revealed that Eng. Magogo had made his boss concede a “brace of humans”.

“With great Joy, I congratulate my brother Hon. Moses Magogo and my sister the Rt. Hon Speaker Anitah Among upon the double bundle of joy. You are now Ssalongo and Nnalongo. Congratulations once again,” Tayebwa announced.

The news makes Eng. Magogo the undisputed GOAT of the Ugandan parliament since he is the first man on earth to ever make a Ugandan speaker of the august house conceive and have children for him.

At this rate, we can confirm that the “wise man from the east” dwarfs both Messi and Ronaldo when it comes to the bedroom arena.
The new milestone gets even rosier considering that the speaker’s twins could be Uganda’s most blessed babies, having received papal blessings from the holy father, Pope Francis at the request of their devout catholic mum while they were still in the womb.

At this rate we can only say congratulations and wish good health and long life to the twins, mum and dad!

Tags : Anita AmongUganda Parliament

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