
London Hotel Brawl Saga Takes New Twist As State House Says It Released 50000 Pounds not 46000!

By John Okello Lapok

The scandal in which Gen. Museveni lost over Shs200m to unscrupulous individuals in United Kingdom has taken a new twist.
Whereas we reported that 46000 Pounds had been released to counter Bobi Wine in London, it has emerged that the figure was actually 50000 pounds. This money however, was spent under unclear circumstances after smart men and women in UK decided to mobilize their own pockets and vanished with the 50000 pounds. Interestingly, one of the NRM bosses at the secretariat is being named in the saga as the boss also allegedly asked for ‘a share’ on the same.

Dr. Kisanjya Hillary

This was after Gen. Museveni’s visit to UK on September 10 was cancelled following the death of the Queen.
“The actual figure was 50000 pounds which State House released not 46000. Dr. Kisanja Hillary Musoke was the one who was supposed to receive this money and he had set up his command and control team working with Barbara Atukunda and Patrick Asiimwe. But we don’t know how it ended up in the hands of another person called Allan! We’re now waiting for the report” an inspector revealed.

We heard that up to now, state house is yet to find out how this alleged Allan came into the picture and yet he hadn’t been on the team set up by Kisanja.
“So, the official NRM (team) and official head of mobilization didn’t receive that money. It seems these things of the Diaspora are turning into a business for some individuals in the party secretariat” an inspector said quoting the mood in State House.

We are told State house got some clues that one of the bosses at the secretariat involved in this fracas allegedly asked for a mega share.
“The officer asked for 13000 pounds out of that money! If the meeting didn’t take place and the real mobilisers didn’t receive it, then where did it go? Which report are they going to bring?” An inspector asked adding that since last week, there have been efforts to make a ‘bleached’ report showing accountability.

We reported here that Museveni had planned to travel to UK to attend a meeting baptized as 12th Uganda-UK Trade and Investment Summit organised by Willy Mutenza who’s believed to be an NRA kadogo. Museveni’s team however, got wind of a plot by NUP and other Human Rights activists to storm the meeting to embarrass the president in addition to holding other protests against his visit in other capitals. They accused him of human rights violations and continued detention of MPs Sewannyana and Sseggirinya.

We are told when State House learnt of the threat, it dispatched it’s Advance Unit led by Kisanja Hillary Musoke to go to UK and counter the opposition machinations ahead of Museveni’s visit. Kisanja who was in Canada for another convention, crossed to UK and embarked on his assignment working with Barbara Atukunda and Patrick Asiimwe team. He kept telling the team to work on empty tummies and their own pockets as he waited for 50000 pounds facilitation. News later came in suggesting that the Pounds had been hijacked and therefore diverted to another group led by a one Allan.

“The president never went. Kisanja never got the money. The mobilization wasn’t done. So, we’re asking where’s the money? We want that money” a top inspector said, adding that for now, they got wind of how a top member in the secretariat could have been involved in the saga after s/he asked for a share worth £13000. We’re also informed, State House is interested in knowing why every time there are Diaspora conventions, the team that leaves Uganda on NRM sponsorship is purely from the north.

“90% of those who go are from one region. Is there any way other people can get on these lists? We have looked at the lists but they don’t reflect national character. This is a party for all Ugandans” an inspector said.
We are told one school of thought is that there could be a cold war between the secretary general and a certain man from the north.

Although the man isn’t expressly mentioned, but we understood that the SG Todwong and the NRM diaspora affairs head Maj. Pollar Awich recently had an icy relationship over a plan by Awich to hold elections in the NRM UK and Ireland chapter.
Whereas SG Todwong who by all legal and political means heads all staff in the NRM secretariat had way back in 2021 tried to give a roadmap to normalize this chapter, Awich seemingly assumed his powers and decreed that there were going to be elections on September 3 2022.

Todwong moved swiftly and issued a directive asking Awich to suspend the elections until necessary procedures (he laid down) had been met but in a gradual manner. However, Awich in what seemed to be a show of real power, went ahead and staged these ‘elections’ even when Todwong and NRM EC boss Tanga Odoi shunned them. Awich himself didn’t attend the election as he didn’t getting funding from either the secretariat or the NRM EC account.

“When Todwong made a directive, one expected Awich to implement it. It seems there’s something we haven’t opened our eyes on. Is he trying to show the northerners that he’s working more than Todwong or he’s doing it to appease the appointing authority?” Opined an inspector.

History has showed that whoever is appointed SG tends to appease his region more. The people from Kigezi for example had direct access to SG during Amama Mbabazi reign and so was Kasule Lumumba. With Todwong now being on the steering, NRM experts suggest he needs to watch his back and also assert himself.

“The creation of the Diaspora Office was noble but it’s work must be streamlined. How does it relate with the Chairman Diaspora league and other offices like that of SG? Awich has a point but also the other offices have a point” says an Inspector.
To those working in SG’s office, the is simply one of the support staff offices with no legal mandate in the party constitution.

“If Awich succeeds in outshining Todwong, the northerners will see him as a good mobiliser. They will accuse Todwong of being aloof and isn’t helping them. This will be a direct opposite of what other SGs did while in that office” an inspector said.

Tags : NRMPresident Yoweri MuseveniSG Todwong


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