
Jubilation In Katakwi As VP Alupo Gives Out 35000 Hoes To Homes

Generous VP Alupo handsover a hoe to some of the beneficiaries


A wind of fortune has blown onto the people of Katakwi after a landmark donation of 35000 hand hoes to enable them improves on their food production.

This exercise is courtesy of the Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo who is also the Katakwi district women representative.

The exercise was launched on Tuesday and paused on Thursday as the Vice President was required at Kololo to perform her delegated duties by His Excellency the President on the budget day.

Having successfully executed that Budget day role, gorgeous and workaholic Alupo again raided Katakwi to proceed with her constituency outreach programs; this time distributing hand hoes to small landholders in the district.

VP Alupo addressing pupils of Ongatunyo PS

The exercise which is now the talk of the entire district targets to benefit 35000 households within the district to improve on food security and household income.

The VP’s latest program is one of the so many she has taken to the district and properly fits into Gen. Museveni’s recent advice to all legislators to continuously interact with their voters and sensitize them about government programmes especially Parish Development Model and Emyooga.

The Katakwi district Woman MP has spent a better part of her day in Agule village, Ominya Parish, Toroma sub county, for the same cause and she left the jubilant voters chorusing ‘Museveni Oye, Alupo Oye, Katakwi Oye slogans.

VP Alupo addressing pupils of Ongatunyo PS

The event was attended by key district officials. 

This latest initiative of hoes comes after the same Alupo last year distributed walking tractors and heavy duty tractors to different farmer SACCO groups, heifers to veterans and also launched a milk plant as part of her efforts to boost commercial farming and food security in her Constituency. She also recently brought smiles on the faces of voters mostly women when she gave out chicks in her efforts to boost poultry production and also improve on the breed.

Meanwhile, even as she was on a food security issues, the Vice President also made a stopover at Ongutunyo Primary School in Ongatunyo village where she counseled pupils on the vitality of staying in school till completion.

VP Alupo gives motherly advice to Peas High School learners

“This country belongs to you because you’re the future leaders. The future will however, be bright for you if you plan carefully. Success is not an event; it is a process which involves careful and proper planning. If you plan to succeed, read your books and stay in school” she advised.

She promised to roof the four classroom block which recently was left ‘naked’ after its roof was completely blown off by wind. She said this would enhance conducive learning environment for the pupils of Ongatunyo.

“I want you pupils to interest yourselves in becoming responsible citizens who will continuously change Katakwi and indeed the whole country, for the better” she said. 

Alupo pledged to support the ICT needs of Peas High School in Toroma where she equally made a mini stop over.



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