
Its Fake News To Claim That Bp Odongo Is Being Backed By The State In Race For Overseer Of Pentecostal Churches-Believers

By Our Reporter

One of the local websites, recently came out with a story in which it was alleged that Pastor Moses Odongo of Shine and Arise Ministries in Namuwongo and one of the five candidates standing for the position of overseer of the National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal churches had claimed that State House had backed him for the post.

The website goes on to quote Farouk Kirunda, a Press Secretary to the president, who stated that State House wasn’t behind Odongo. However after deep investigations, it has been revealed that the allegations are simply aimed at mudslinging Bishop Odongo, who according to reliable sources is the outright favourite candidate among the contestants.

It has also been alleged that one of the local pastors went about promising some of the pastors authorised to vote in the elections things like houses and agricultural equipment especially tractors for their communities.

Sources have revealed that according to the constitution of the NFBPC that for one to stand for the position of overseer, one should have been under the fellowship for 15 years. The source further reveals that Odongo has been a member for the NFBPC for 15 years while his opponent hasn’t clocked even 2 years. With elections slated for tomorrow, Thursday 16 March 2023 at the MTN arena in Lugogo and delegates coming from all corners of the country, sources add that Odongo is the outright favourite.

The same website also run a story that Odongo’s opponent pastor Kyazze was leading by 80% in opinion polls a thing the source rubbished stating that Odongo is the outright favourite and come tomorrow he will win. Watch this space.

Tags : Pastor Moses OdongPresident Yoweri Museveni


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