
Iron Sheets Saga Takes New Twist As Frequent Censures In Parliament Attract Gen. Museveni’s Attention

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President Museveni’s decision to pen a hot letter to prime minister Robinah Nabbanja asking for action against iron sheets thieves wasn’t for a cup of tea; The Inspector reveals!
As we have always informed you of Jjajja Museveni’s bitterness about the insensitivity of his ministers, now we can report that even the operations of parliament have come under security scruitiny.

We understood from our Inspectors that recent actions in parliament have allegedly attracted the attention of the head of state to see if the house is not under any influence.
We’re informed that frequent Censures that have attracted unanimous decision between NRM legislators and oppositon MPs is what is allegedly bothering intelligence. It should be recalled that the house in just a space of one year, has handled two Censures including Francis Butebi Zzaake (NUP) as a commissioner of parliament, Persis Namuganza (state minister for housing) and is currently working on the censure of Karamoja affairs iron sheets ministers. Our Inspectors said that the decision to drag Karamoja senior minister Goreti Maria Kitutu to court and Luzira for that matter hurriedly was allegedly meant to partly tactically thwart the intended 3rd censure.
Inspectors said that on top of this, the house recently allegedly created unnecessary pressure for the man from Rwakitura when it passed the Anti-gay bill with a 99.9% support across the political divide but without having gotten his input.

“That’s why even when it was passed, the president insists that he needs a discussion about the same. He wants to engage MPs and see how his ideas can be catered for” says an Inspector.
Those who listened to his speech at Kololo while addressing parliament, Museveni said he would have a discussion with MPs on this bill.

We’re told that whereas the bill could have been important, it’s timing was allegedly bad as it has put a lot of pressure on government especially as regards getting foreign funding.
Secondly, on the local scene, the bill has allegedly created political animosity for him as everyone is mounting pressure on him to ascent to the bill to become a law.

“Abroad, he’s facing pressure not to sign yet locally, it’s putting pressure on him to sign. He can’t move freely in the country as everyone is asking him to sign the bill into law without considering other factors in running governmnent. It’s a situation that was created by parliament for them to gain popularity at the expense of his support locally” says a top inspector.

Our Inspectors said that the unanimous style occurring in parliament in moving sensitive matters has allegedly attracted questions which must be sorted by tactically putting breaks among legislators.

“What if one day a motion comes to pass a vote of no confidence in other top officials working with the president? Will it fail? Now that there’s this iron sheets issue, all those who stole iron sheets must be handled mercilessly to prove that governmnent works with caution” says an Inspector.

We’re told the iron sheets saga is actually going to leave many top ministers are back benchers. And to prove that he’s determined, whoever appears in court for criminal prosecution, a motion is going to be passed in parliament that they all step aside to allow investigation.

“People have been claiming that NRM condones corruption, this is the time to prove them wrong. Gen. Museveni is going to deal with these thugs even if it means leaving the whole cabinet empty. People must learn from this saga” an Inspector said.

Recently, we told you that the general from Rwakitura had summoned his blue eyed boys including CID director Maj. Tom Magambo, State House Anti-Graft Unit boss, CMI chief and the IGG investigators and gave them instructions not to spare anyone who stole iron sheets even if he or she was a member of his family. The president also asked them not to allow anyone to call them claiming he or she had talked to him. The president emboldened his spy team by penning a letter asking ministers who got the sheets to take personal responsibility for the mess, return the loot and also face charges. We understood that already eight of the implicated ministers are going to Luzira soon as their files are said to be almost done. The president described the ministers’conduct as subversive in nature and a threat to national security.



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