
Gen. Museveni Mourns Fallen NRA Fighter Mzee Zavuga Kajumba, Gives Shs10m Mabugo

President Museveni through his head of the Office of the National Chairman (ONC) Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo Hadijah has paid tribute to one of the NRA bush war fighters Joseph Kajumba Zavuga.
The late Kajumba was described as a true Patriot who loved his country and served it selflessly.

Through Hajat Uzeiye who’s also an SPA/PA and head of the Bazzukulu movement, Museveni praised the late Zavuga for the role he played in bringing about peace in the country. He said the NRA liberation war was only successful because all those who participated in it loved the country and wanted it to be peaceful after decades of instability.

The president made a Shs10m financial contribution to the family of the late which was religiously handed over by Chief Muzzukulu Uzeiye.
On her part, Uzeiye thanked the late for joining efforts with Gen. Museveni to liberate Uganda from the jaws of bloodthirsty regimes.

She said the liberation not only changed the political spectrum but also marked the beginning of transformation of Uganda in all areas.
“Those days infant mortality was the order of the day, but now, this has reduced; thanks to the mass immunization program after NRA/M captured power. We can’t stop thanking the NRA liberators because it is because of their sacrifice that we as Bazzukulu are now here to carry on the mantle. Jjajja Museveni didn’t stop at saving our lives but has gone ahead and sent us to school through free education” she said.

She said Museveni and his NRA liberators set the ball rolling for Uganda’s transformation emphasizing good health and education at all levels. She cited the Skilling Uganda program, Presidential Initiative on Skilling the youth and the Students Loan Scheme all of which target youth so as to have education and skills.

“The Bazzukulu have gone to school, they have the books and skills. Many continue to have the same. This now brings in the issue of unemployment. They need jobs at districts and other places. But in the process of searching for these jobs, some unscrupulous individuals, the greedy ones, want to exploit the Bazzukulu. This is not what our liberators like Mzee Zavuga whom we’re sending off today, fought for. They fought for a better Uganda. We must therefore, fight this evil called corruption” she said and urged the mourners to keep supporting president Museveni in his efforts to keep Uganda peaceful.

Mzee Joseph Kajumba Zavuga passed on this week and was buried yesterday at Naziwanga Village, Nkokonjeru Town Council.
The widow, Rita Kajumba received the money on behalf of the family.



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