
Gen. Museveni Deploys Ministers To Europe To Defend Him On Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Gen. Jeje Odongo, the Minister for Foreign Affairs

The pressure against President Yoweri Museveni by the West arising from the recent passing of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill has continued to pile; this News site understands.

As a result, the president has responded by deploying a squad of top governmnent officials led by Foreign affairs minister Gen. Abubakar Odongo Jeje to traverse the globe mainly in the Western axis to explain governmnent’s position on the bill.

Gen. Jeje according to our Inspectors is moving with Museveni’s aide on political affairs Moses Byaruhanga, NRM secretary general Richard Todwong Awany and NRM director for external affairs Maj. Polar Awach. This group we can authoritatively confirm has already held meetings in France, Germany and Denmark which meetings took place a few days ago. The same group charm offensive has been extended to Ireland whose meeting took place on Tuesday this week.
“The Jeje team is touring Western capitals explaining the Uganda Homosexuality bill” says an Inspector.

In one of the meetings Jeje held in UK, he allegedly said that the bill complements western view of this particular lifestyle and in no way it undermines it.
“The West needs to come to terms with Ugandas legislative effort by supporting the people’s view of homosexuality and their culture” Gen. Jeje who’s also MP for Orungo county was quoted as telling the meeting.

We’re told during their stay in UK, the Todwongs also used this occasion to address the mess in NRM UK chapter including cases of lack of accountability for funds Museveni recently disbursed.

Todwong advised the Ugandan NRM members to reconcile their differences and follow the ideology of unity as championed by Museveni.
“A child who’s still crawling cannot climb a mountain” Todwong is said to have informed the meeting in what seemed to be an assurance to NRM group that Museveni is still around in 2026 and beyond. Todwong also praised the founders of the UK charpter for laying what he called a solid foundation for the party’s visibility in Europe. He named the founders as Asiimwe Patrick (Igara-Bushenyi) Peter Magomu Mashate (Sironko-Bugisu), Charles Lukengye (Bushenyi) and Latinga Owinyi Dollo, son to CJ Dollo Alphonse.

The latest development on Anti-gay bill comes as governmnent has continued to come under pressure over this bill which interestingly is supported by Ugandans who cherish their norms and values. The parliament chaired by Speaker Anita Among recently passed the bill but the president refused to sign it into law citing some crucial ammendments that needed to be done into it. The president thus threw it back to parliament which again sat and passed the bill retaining the harshest punishment of death if convicted of practing this vice or promoting it.

The west mainly US have reacted by putting pressure against the president saying if he signs it, they would take away their money meant for HIV AIDS support. However, the nation comtinues to be united against this vice something that could have forced the president to dispatch a team to the western capitals to explain this position. Museveni however, is yet to assent to the bill to date.



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