
Gen. M7 Rewards His Man Allan Bamuha With Deputy RCC Job

Allan Bamuha

Described by many as down to earth, humble and workholic, well endowed with natural knowledge, wisdom and intelligence, Allan Bamuha until his new appointment he has been serving as the Political Coordinator for President Museveni’s Kyambogo based Head of State Political Office-ONC incharge of Hoima City. Under the same office he also doubled as the Regional ONC Media Panelist incharge of Bunyoro sub region

During the 2021 elections Allan Bamuha was appointed by to head the Hoima City Presidential Vote Protection PVP for candidate Yoweri Kaguta Tibuhaburwa Museveni which saw President Museveni garner 57.7% in Hoima City, Bamuha deployed all stills and expertise to see Museveni triumph indeed President Museveni shined at the end of the day

The soft spoken bright dubbed social media guru Allan Bamuha in 2021 general elections kept the entire region in the outright knowledge of the achievements of President Museveni and NRM a strategy which demisfied alot of opposition lies in Bunyoro sub region

Off politics under his organisation Institute for Ecology and Natural Resources he has helped many coffee farmers in set up and mantainance of coffee farms across Bunyoro and greatly impacted on the commercial agriculture, under the same organisation Bamuha has promoted and developed tourism in Bunyoro Subregion without any reservations. He runs a string of private businesses in Kampala and western Uganda, he is also one of the leading young commercial farmers in the country

Born from the family of the late Balaam Kyahurwa Ateenyi and Josephine Katwiri Abwooli of Hoima a strong UPM cum NRM family, Allan Bamuha is a true born and naturalised yellow cadre and a true fisher man ready to execute the due duties with due diligence

Tags : Allan BamuhaNRMPresident Yoweri Museveni


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