
Bugisu Granny Widow Dies 14years Later Without Getting Gen. Museveni’s Appointment Letter For The Job He Gave Her In 2009!

Mary Wadada Musani. She died chasing for her job for 14years since her appointment


By John Okello Lapok

in Sironko

Mary Wadada was born on 10th/11/1948. She is the wife to the late Wadada Musani, the man who started Elgon 13 rebel group, an auxiliary force for Gen. Museveni’s NRA. The Wadada group operated in the Elgon Mountains and upon NRA capturing power, its leader was appointed to various positions including that of Ambassador which was his last position before he died.

After years since his demise, his widow Mary has been taking care of his family including all other kids he bore outside the wedlock.

Unfortunately though, even this granny has since been called by her creator.

An educationist, Mary Nabukonde Musani, went to Budadiri primary school, St Mary’s Namagunga for O and A Level and later joined Makerere University where she attained Bachelor’s degree in Education.

She married the Late Veteran fighter of the Elgon 13 and former ambassador of Uganda to Libya Wadada Musani in 1970 in a beautiful wedding ceremony that took place in St Austin Mbale.

The couple hosted their guests at Mt Elgon Hotel Mbale. Former minister in Obote government John Kakonge was Musani’s best man!

Now the Late, Mary Nabukonde had 5 biological children, 3 girls and 2 boys with the late Wadada but also raised many other children of her late husband, since he was a ‘serious’ mobiliser!

Throughout her life, Nabukonde was an Educationist and taught in many institutions as Head mistress.

“At one point her late husband being in the mountains of Elgon fighting, the Obote soldiers attacked her Home and she fled to neighboring Kenya in the night only wearing a night dress. The attackers left their home destroyed” says one of her sons, adding that while in Kenya, she taught for some time before returning later when the war had stabilized.

Nabukonde retired from active Teaching in 2004 and had been actively involved in church leadership.

In 2009 during Museveni’s visit to the home of veteran fighter Wadada Musani, she was appointed a presidential advisor, but unfortunately, 14years down the road, she never got that job until she died.

She passed on 29th/05/2023 at Nakasero hospital where she had been admitted since 19th/05/2023 due blood clot in her brain.

Prior to her death, she always advocated for peace, love amongst all those near her.

Those who turned up for her burial spoke positive things about her especially about her enormous contribution to the education sector and NRM success in Sironko area. She was laid to her forever house on 4th/06/2023, and to those who were around her and those whose souls she touched, they keep great memory of her and her deeds.



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