
Bududa Police Hunts For Man Who Murdered His In-Law Over PDM Cash

By Emma Lwasi

Police in Bududa have commenced investigations into the murder of a student identified as Watetera Andrew. Aged 21 years, the deceased has been a student of Bulucheke SS and a resident of Bunasaba village Bumakita parish Nalwanza Subcounty in Bududa district.

It alleged that this student was butchered by a one Mashetsha Samuel a male adult aged 33yrs and resident of Tololo village Bumirume parish, Bukigayi s/c Bududa district.

It’s alleged that on the 21/5/2023 at unknown time Watetera visited his in-law Mashetsha at his home and while there and under unclear circumstances which is under investigations, the suspect allegedly using a sharp panga, sliced his in-law severely. Not done, the monstrous suspect, thereafter hanged the deceased on a rope possibly to purport suicide on the side of the deceased. 

IGP Okoth Ochola’s men arrived At the seen, registered the murder case under CRB 226/2023 of Bududa and took away the body to the mortuary. Meanwhile, the angry locals couldn’t stomach Mashetsha’s alleged act and henceforth took the law in their hands by turning his property and relatives. They set his property on fire in addition to cutting down his crops.

The suspect however, managed to use his legs properly and vanished resulting into a police hunt which is still on. It is claimed that the duo had issues related to PDM cash.

Meanwhile, a FUSO truck Reg. No. UAH 395M caught fire in Idudi Town Council-Iganga district, bringing traffic to a standstill. The cause of the fire is still unknown.



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