
Breaking News! State House’s URA Anti-Graft Boss Kalemera Begins To Bite As Shs600bn Losses Are Unearthed In 3 Weeks Of His Work!

URA tower at Nakawa

Heads are expected to roll within the tax body-URA, following intelligence information that within this shortest time of its existence, the State House Revenue Intelligence and Strategic Operations Unit has allegedly uncovered revenue loss amounting to over Shs600bn.

This Unit was three weeks ago created by President Yoweri Museveni as he intensified his ongoing war against corrupt officials in Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs).

The Head of State thus appointed his blue-eyed boy David Kalemera, a former employee of URA to head this Unit which is said to be making wonders for him so far, the latest being this unearthing of over a half a trillion revenue losses. It is however, unclear in which period this alleged mind-boggling revenue losses were occasioned but our well placed Inspectors revealed that this amount has so far been confirmed by the Unit as loss to government.

It should be recalled that prior to instituting this Unit where he appointed David Kalemera, Museveni penned a missive accusing the tax body bosses of failure to collect the required revenue, wondering how in an economy worth USD55bn, URA cannot collect at least USD11BN or Shs48trillion! 

The Head of State went ahead last week while in a cabinet retreat at Kyankwanzi to suggest that besides making what he called under declarations and under collections, there was massive stealing of even the little revenue that is collected by some unscrupulous individuals within Uganda Revenue Authority.

Now, latest before us is that the Kalemera-led Unit has allegedly brought smiles on Gen. Museveni’s face after obtaining credible information suggesting revenue loss amounting to over Shs600bn and more discovering are being made.

“The Unit has recovered revenue losses in excess of Shs600bn in this shortest time. So, whoever thought the unit was merely a paper tiger, should now know that work is ongoing and the Commander-in-Chief is taking steps” explained an inspector.


According to Inspectors, Kalemera’s recent appointment wasn’t a far-fetched decision.

Inspectors told us that during is time in URA from 2007-2017, the pencil-thin man was a smooth operator.

It is stated that in his capacity acting as Supervisor in Compliance and Business Analysis Division of URA, part of his main tasks was to always check the URA processes and procedures to ensure that there were no loopholes that could lead to revenue loss. 

In addition according to Inspectors, Kalemera was the man who headed a team that drafted the Customs Compendium. 

“This has all processes and procedures of all sections and units of the Customs Department. So, it’s clear that Kalemera knows all the processes and procedures. This definitely, cannot leave whoever has been involved in illegalities within URA settled. They must be very scared (of his appointment)” explained an inspector, adding that through this work, Kalemera identified leakages some top URA officers were reportedly involved in hence his subsequent turbulent days which resulted into his departure from URA.

David Kalemera

“This State House Unit is sparing no one. Whether in top management or not, it will come for you. Already, some people who are unsettled are in top management. No wonder all URA computers have since been locked and data sharing limited to permissions due to the fear that information of possible shoddy dealings might leak to the dangerous Kalemera” explained an inspector.

Shockingly though, even as some maybe in panic, Inspectors said the creation of this Kalemera-led Unit has been received with wild but silence jubilation by lower-ranked staff within this tax body.

Apparently, some of them refer to it as their savior and are volunteering information in addition to secretly but freely channeling their grievances to the Unit so that H.E the President can better understand the real situation on the ground.

“The panic now is caused by the fact that those involved are worried that he knows the systems and he has already uncovered massive corruption and revenue loss in the books of URA. Many people are now scared of going to jail following this latest discovery by Kalemera’s Unit. Don’t be surprised if they fight back through legal proxies or even lobbying the President to recall his appointment” explained an inspector, adding that already such rumors are rife but Museveni is not moved even by an inch to alter his decision. Efforts to get a word from Kalemera were futile but our Inspectors confirmed he had already tabled this Intel before the President. Watch this space!

Tags : David KalemeraURA


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