

Gen. Museveni flashes his book on enterprise selection he wants poor Basoga to use

Gen Museveni Blasts Busoga Politicians For Being Responsible For Sugarcane Scarcity Having Rejected His Advice On Zoning Sugar Factories!

President Museveni has no kind words for politicians in Busoga who opposed his original proposal that sought for zoning of Sugar Factories.
He says he told these politicians how a policy of zoning a factory of sugar with its out growers was the best idea and they said No.

He noted that as a result, their ‘irrational’ decision is already affecting the operations of some of the big companies as a result of lack of enough sugarcanes.
“You reap what you sow. We told our politicians but they said no, no. Let sugarcane growing be for whoever wants (to grow)” he angrily said.

The head of state who was responding to a question raised by THE INSPECTOR about lack of a regulation on location of sugar factories. The absence of such a regulation is already affecting electricity generation by Kakira Sugar Limited licensed to generate 50MW due to lack of sugarcanes to make bagasse.

Museveni blamed the politicians for misleading poor Basoga with smaller pieces of land to grow sugarcanes yet according to him, sugarcane isn’t one of the priority crops for the poor by government.

“Sugarcanes is either for the medium or large scale farmers. So, it’s not for the small people and much of the land in Busoga is by small people. Now because of that, there’s little sugarcane hence lack of bagasse. The answer is for us to go back (to the original proposal)” he said.
The president also lectured that Uganda is after all, not very competitive in sugar like other countries such as Brazil because of being on a higher altitude. He said this makes it not good for sugarcane growing as it affects the quality of sugar content.

He said our canes only have 9% sugar content unlike other sugarcane with a favorable environment which have a higher sugar content.
“So, our sugar is not competitive, but because of not listening, some of our people have been telling people to grow ebikaadho, ebikaadho (Sugarcanes)” he fumed.

Museveni who said treats Ugandans like his own family members and never hides away anything good from them, wondered how those politicians could fail to guide their people on proper enterprise selection. A bitter Museveni had even to reach out for his two books one on enterprise selection and another on how he helped his village mates on how to fence their land for proper cattle farming.

He recommended these books to the Basoga so that they get guided on enterprise selection.
“I can’t tell a poor person with two acres of land to grow Sugarcanes. How much will he get from one acre per year? These people (politicians) talk as if they are your enemies. How do you tell your people to grow sugarcanes when one has two acres? Are you an enemy?” He said angrily adding that if one’s landholding is merely two acres, such a person cannot grow cotton, sugarcanes or tobacco.

The president also had no kind words for the Ministry for trade and Industry which he blamed for issuing licenses to sugar factories anyhow.
“The ministry was licensing sugar factories even those without Sugarcanes. Why do you license?” He questioned.

Gen. Museveni poses for a group photo with scribes at state House

The president’s outbursts come at a time when Kakira Sugar Limited which used to generate 50MW from bagasse is now almost shutting down due to lack of raw materials in form of sugarcanes because other mushrooming sugar factories in the subregion are competing for the same sugarcanes.


Museveni promised to issue an Executive Order keeping UPDF soldiers out of land matters. He says cabinet has already discussed this matter.
“When you see a soldier (appearing) in land boundaries, then you know that’s not a soldier. A soldier is supposed to be in the battle field” he said as he answered a question from one of the scribes regarding rampant cases of evictions involving the men and women in uniform.


The president says it is illegal to arrest someone and detain him/her for more than 48 hours without taking them to the Courts of law.
According to him, in case such arrests happen, the public, especially the leaders should document how the victims were arrested and not taken to court, then take the facts to the responsible authorities for action.

“You can do work for the people in whatever government that is in power, even if you don’t support it. You use the positiveness of that government to support your people. If like in this case, you are being arrested, If I’m a Councillor or a Member of Parliament, I would document how the people were arrested and not taken to court, bring facts and confront the Prime Minister there- Nabbanja but with facts ,not just come because some of these people may not have time to cross check, you need to help them with facts because you want to help your people,” he advised.

PM Robinah Nabbanja together with ministers Chris Baryomunsi and Ruth Nankabirwa

The President made the remarks on Friday 22nd December 2023 during an interactive session with the media at State House, Entebbe. The President and the journalists discussed a wide range of issues on security, trade, politics, land, among others.
Museveni noted that as a leader, his role is to crosscheck for facts on the illegal arrests and then discipline the misbehaving parties.

He cited a recent debate in he debate in parliament where the Minister of State for Internal Affairs Gen. David Muhoozi made a statement to answer the issue of people whom the opposition says are missing.
“Me I was not following but I came to know that these pro-opposition people, when there’s an issue , they go to the NGOs to report Uganda that they have arrested and made someone disappear. Okay if someone goes missing, report to the Police station not the NGO. They go there to the Bazungu but these will not help you because this is the Republic of Uganda and it’s not easy for foreigners to come here. That is why the information doesn’t come but if such incidents happen report to the police station, document it in your book that you reported, if action is not taken, then we shall know whom to blame,” he said while responding to a question raised by another scribe Meddie Nsereko of CBS Radio regarding the issue of detentions without trial.

He said these arrests are illegal and the way to fight them is by the people in authority and also the public to use the available democratic structures to expose them as this was the reason the NRM put them up.


The president noted that the emergence of Corona virus, Ebola and locusts had greatly impacted on government’s plans to push through necessary land reforms.
“Corona disorganized us. I had to concentrate on saving the lives. We had to divert a lot of money to Ebola, Corona, locusts but the good thing we’re moving forward and at the right time, we shall deal with the issue of land” he said but however, said the Land Act of 1998 was strong enough since it protected bibanja holders.

Men in charge: Senior Press secretary Sander Walusimbi and his deputy Faruk Kirunda

“When you see people being evicted, it is because they don’t follow the Land Act. We also have the issue of the elite not helping the ordinary people. That is part of the problem, otherwise the existing law would protect those people,” President Museveni responded to David Lumu of New Vision who sought to know why land reforms are taking ages amdist rampant evictions. Museveni added that the government is also ready to act on the matter of issuance of multiple land titles.


On the issue of standing for Presidency in 2026, the President said they will discuss the matter at the right time.
NRM is a rational political force and it has done a lot over the years. Why do you worry? You know, you (opposition) want to develop pressures (for nothing). 2026 will be decided and transition is always happening every five years, because every five years, there’s a contest. So, for the last 30 years, there has been transition every five years only that NRM over performs” he with smiles written on his face.


Sarah Kagingo of Soft Power News, raised an issue of the alleged poor roads in Kampala city but the President advised Ugandans that they should handle the issue of the infrastructural development holistically, explaining that most main roads into and through Kampala are in good state apart from some of the branches.
“If we had concentrated on the centre and we did not have that penetration, would that be good? Assess the issue of the roads holistically.”
This media interaction session was moderated by the Senior Press Secretary to H.E the President, Sandor Walusimbi and the Deputy Press Secretary to H.E the President, Faruk Kirunda.


During the same address, the President also delivered his Christmas message to Ugandans.
“I congratulate everybody for nearly ending 2023, we are remaining with a few days. God should be praised for bringing us this far,” he said.


In the same message, President Museveni addressed the issue of the growing pressure Uganda is getting from outside countries because of the Anti-Homosexuality Act, saying that the country is standing strong, and it will not give in to the desires of the West.
“The pressures we are getting from outside about the homosexuality law, some of the people may be worried but me I’m not worried at all this is because this is an opportunity to clarify one point that Uganda can stand on its own and some of us are indigenous people of this are, this is our area for the last 1,000 years. We have been active here, the Europeans came for a short period of time and went, our communities are very strong,” he said.

“For me I’m confident that we shall manage, and you can see our economy is growing, our inflation is one of the lowest now. And I would advise those putting us on pressure to stop because it is not good for them, we shall prove our point that African countries can stand on their own.”
He also urged Ugandans to be vigilant to deal with the issue of terrorism most especially during this festive season.

“I want to thank H.E Felix Tshisekedi for allowing us to hunt ADF in Congo and we are doing it very well. We are going to wipe out those groups and their leaders who are in Congo who send these young people to come and die here. In the meantime, even during this festive season, I would like you to be on alert because even the border is open; we don’t close it. I discourage the idea of roadblocks because they are blind so somebody from Congo can enter Uganda. What is crucial is the intelligence which we have” he said.

President Museveni also tasked Ugandans to create wealth through commercial agriculture, specifically, from the four-acre model type of farming.
On the other hand, he rallied Ugandans to join hands in the fight against corruption.
“The corrupt are the few and the majority are the victims so it is easy to isolate the corrupt people and we shall definitely do it. I want everybody to take part in this fight against corruption because it is the one wasting our time,” President Museveni said.

“Finally, we need to emphasise regional integration by linking up and showing other East Africans the win-win of involving in the integration. Everybody should wake up and support regional integration and know it is the correct way” he said.

The meeting was also attended by the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja, the Minister of ICT and National Guidance, Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, and the Minister of Energy and Mineral Development, Hon. Ruth Nankabirwa.

Tags : President Yoweri MuseveniUganda Parliament


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