
What Mufti Mubajje Told Gen. Museveni On Bugisu Ministers As Nation Grapples With Iron Sheets Theft Saga!

On Monday this week, Gen. Yoweri Museveni at a cabinet meeting was again not a happy man, according to our Inspectors!
Just like the previous Monday cabinet sitting, the General from Rwakitura is said to have spoken vehemently against corruption that he said is hindering service delivery. As he mentioned the word corruption, we’re told most ministers who have been named in theft of iron sheets meant for underprivileged people of Karamoja felt like being swallowed up by the ground!

We’re told even Karamoja minister Goreti Maria Kitutu was there but remained quiet. It’s not clear why but Inspectors said the minister seems to have been shocked by the level of ‘insincerity’ among her colleagues who have chosen to sacrifice her on the iron sheets theft.
“What could she say when everyone has decided to disown her? She just looked on” says an Inspector, adding that Museveni was also bitter with the way PDM funds’ accessibility had been crafted.

Apparently, Museveni’s tours to both Teso and Acholi last week allegedly opened his eyes after his people complained about the unfair stringent conditions attached on the PDM funds. Worse more, some sections of the society mainly youths, grannies and PWDs had been sidelined in the program housed under Raphael Magyezi’s Local Governmnent ministry. General Museveni ordered for a review of these conditions and also work out modalities to cater for the interests of the aforementioned interest groups. Magyezi has only this week to recfify the anomalies in PDM before cash starts flowing on accounts in mid this month.

Now, we have learnt that as the iron sheets saga rages on, the president was warned by some top leaders in Bugisu about those whom he wanted to appoint in 2021.
For example, the Mufti Ramadan Mubajje who’s also a son of the soil of Bugisu, prior to the naming of the cabinet, fronted the name of London-based lawyer who’s also a one-time Museveni’s lawyer on public and private affairs Peter Magomu Mashate as among those suitable for deployment to cabinet. However, Museveni opted for the honorable Maria Goreti Kitutu and others.

In his letter we got, Mubajje implored the president to consider appointing some daughters and sons of Bugisu who had been tested citing Mashate as one of them.
In his letter entitled ‘Recommendation of Mr. Peter Magomu Mashate Appointment To Cabinet’ the Mufti said it was necessary in the interest of Mbale Muslim and Christian Community and wider public good.

“In this regard, I as Mufti of Uganda and a native of Bugisu do hereby identify and recommend from Bugisu sub-region and Mbale city in particular Mr. Peter Magomu Mashate as a unifer of people and a person who has demonstrated for many years even before the formation of the Uganda constitution and while in the Diaspora, his patriotism and love for empowerment and welfare of the ordinary Bugisu wanainchi regardless of religion” he said in a letter our Inspectors in state house chanced on.

Bugisu has four people in cabinet including Maria Goreti Kitutu as a full cabinet minister while the rest including Agnes Nandutu, Dominic Gidudu and Magode Ikuya are state ministers.

Tags : Goreti Maria KitutuNRMPresident Yoweri MuseveniPRIME MINISTER OF UGANDAUganda Parliament


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