
West Nile Region Leaders to Review Manifesto progress at Kyankwanzi

Caption: Presidency Minister Babirye Babalanda (c) in a group photo with the MIU team led by Director Willis Bashaasha, the retreat chief convener

Core Local Government leaders from the West Nile region will meet at the National Leadership Institute (NALI)-Kyankwanzi to review the progress of the NRM Manifesto 2021-26 in their region.
This is according to Willis Bashaasha, the Director Manifesto Implementation Unit (MIU) of the office of the president.

Bashaasha revealed that this manifesto monitoring and validation exercise will be carried out in a 6-day retreat which will commence on Sunday November 19, 2023 and end on November 25, 2023.

He noted that at this retreat, the manifesto implementation stakeholders will assess and evaluate the progress of the manifesto commitments so far delivered by the government in order to facilitate further coordination, planning and reporting on these commitments in the West Nile region.

“The Manifesto Implementation Unit is mandated to track, report and publicize the performance, progress and challenges of implementation of the manifesto and it is within that mandate that this retreat has been organised,” Bashaasha said.

He added that because the 2021-26 Manifesto is the NRM government’s social contract with Ugandans, its evaluation will be done with a view to track the adherence to the 23 strategic guidelines and directives that the president proposed as the guides for effective service delivery and manifesto implementation.

“This will help us know to what extent the manifesto commitments have been fulfilled in line with their set out work plans and budgets,” he said.

Manifesto implementation is a multi-sectoral process and because of this, according to Bashaasha, the core local government leaders will be joined by a host of other implementation stakeholders including: NRM party leadership from West Nile Region of Uganda, Presidential Advisors, the NALI team, the Media, senior management from the office of the president, as well as the technical team from the MIU who are the retreat conveners.

These will be joined by permanent secretaries and other top officials from key government service delivery Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) who will present on the progress of the different key service delivery programmes within their mandate. On top of these will be technocrats from strategic manifesto implementation agencies of the government including the National Planning Authority (NPA), Operation Wealth Creation (OWC), and the NRM Secretariat, among others.

Transparency Key

Bashaasha noted that the reason for such strategic convergence is to enforce transparency in the manifesto implementation chain given that the main objectives of the retreat include taking stock and accounting for the manifesto commitments and achievements to the Ugandans in West Nile, as well as explaining and sharing synergies required in the implementation of the same manifesto commitments.

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