
“We Must Defend The Rights Of Women Globally” says Amb:Huang Xia

By Juma Nsubuga

The UN special Envoy to the great lakes region  Ambassador Huang Xia says there is a need to fight for the rights of women and girl and allow them (women) access to justice.

In his statement red to the conference by Ms Bah Nene the senior advisor UN office of the special Envoy for the great lakes region during the regional engagement of mining Actors in promoting positive masculinity as a positive and responsive mechanism to address suppression of gender based violence in the great lakes region mining sector during the 16 Days of activism in Munyonyo Kampala,Amb says that the World Health organization study shows that one of Five women in the great lakes region has been sexually assaulted in their lifetime.

“In a view of this alarming Data and the multiple security and humanitarian challenges faced by certain areas of the region impacts women and girls especially in DRC,South Sudan and Central Africa Republic” He said in a statement. Adding that ” we have a collective and unwavering obligation to protect women and girls from serious violation including in mining sector”.

Amb Xia in his statement added that the prevention and response efforts to violence against women and girls are the cornerstone of everyone’s collective actions that will find an appropriate response through access to justice.

“In a concrete actions that will be taken in the Data collection of gender-based sexual violence,the adoption and implementation of legislation and policies with adequate financial resources” He said adding that sensitization,assistance to victims by strengthening psychosocial care and socio-economic reintegration”.

He further emphasized the importance of the new women peace and security (WPS) which is a call to action of all governments,international organization ,civil society and individuals to work together to achieve a more just and peaceful world for all women and girls.

He further applauded Uganda government for putting in place a gender strategy in the mining sector which is important for its certification mechanism.

Ambassador Huang Xia is the UN special Envoy for the great lake region which includes,Uganda,Kenya,Tanzania,Rwanda,Burundi,South Sudan,Central Africa Republic,DRC,Sudan and Zambia among others.



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