
VP Alupo Installs Former Speaker Rugumayo As Inaugural Chancellor Of Mountains Of The Moon University

VP Alupo handing over tools to Chancellor Rugumayo


Former speaker of National Consultative Council (NCC) otherwise called the 4th parliament of Uganda has been installed as the first Chancellor of Tooro-based Mountains of the Moon University.

Prof. Edward Rugumayo, who was also a long serving minister in Gen. Museveni’s government has taken over as the head of this university which has since reverted to government after 13years running as a private institution.

The installation of Rugumayo has been done by workholic Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo who represented Gen. Yoweri Museveni at the 15th graduation ceremony held at Lake Saaka Campus-Fortportal Tourism City.

VP Alupo assisted by minister Kaducu enthrone Prof. Rugumayo at the function

Alupo congratulated Rugumayo upon his installation as the first Chancellor, noting that he embodies qualities that would drive the university to the desired level.

“The role of the Chancellor is one of great importance, serving as a symbol of leadership, wisdom and commitment to the ideals and values that define the university education agenda. Today, therefore, I am confident that we have installed an individual who embodies these qualities and who will guide our University on a path of continued excellence” she noted.

VP Alupo addressing the ceremony


The country’s No.2  informed the graduands that as they leave school, the encouraging part of facing the new chapter, is that they are leaving the University space, already equipped with the knowledge, skills, and experiences gained during their studies. “Education is a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of poverty and I hope that you will contribute to the development of a knowledge-based economy, driving advancements in Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI)” she said.

Alupo said the NRM embraced the  notion that Education plays a pivotal role in the transformation of nations, serving as a cornerstone for socioeconomic and cultural development. 

The students who graduated today

The VP said higher education sub-sector of Uganda requires a deliberate effort to not only leverage, but reposition all the required inputs; staff, curriculum review and development and infrastructure, in order to optimize the Human Capital Development role to stimulate Uganda’s Vision 2040,and technological advancements.

“By advancing in education, Uganda has a chance to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to contribute effectively to the workforce” she noted.

She said that the NRM Government is committed to providing more scholarships and supporting students enrolling on Science, 

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)courses and other courses that are marketable in the current local job market. 

Alupo who is also Katakwi district woman MP added that government’s strategy also includes the exploration of introduction of new sponsorships for Scientific,Technical Engineering and Innovations (STEI) programs that foster entrepreneurship, technological advancements and a culture of innovation. She said all these are critical for sustained economic growth.


The VP challenged the university’s leadership to prioritize the promotion of research and innovation, saying Uganda’s development aspirations require active engagement of scientific and technological research to make an effective contribution to the Country’s growth.

“Mountains of the Moon as a publicly funded institution, has the potential to play a role in strengthening our national innovation performance which is a pillar required to improve the competitiveness of Uganda’s industrial development.

Prof. Rugumayo signs acceptance documents as VP Alupo and Minister Kaducu look on

As Government, we strongly believe that universities should be drivers of technological progress” she advised. 

Alupo said Uganda’s technology hubs should essentially adopt and develop cutting-edge technologies, leading to increased efficiency and competitiveness.

She pledged government’s commitment to the university to enable it complete its ongoing infrastructure some of which will among other things provide access to business incubation and to scientific equipment. 

She encourage people to think of education not only as an investment in their children, but also as a promoter for national transformation. 

“The Government is committed to investing in all primary, secondary, tertiary, and higher education systems, as a premise for laying the foundation for a prosperous, innovative and socially cohesive future” she said.


The 2iC from Katakwi however, had to brave the bad road from Kampala-Mubende and then Mubende-Fortportal. She brought smiles on the faces of the Batooro when she said already a program is underway to make the road as smooth a stable lake.

Tags : Jessica AlupoNRMPresident Yoweri Museveni


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