
Ugandan Top Economist Arrested Alongside Boss In Adis Ababa, Flees To Nairobi Upon Release As Probe Into USD6m AfDB Fake Account Saga Worsens

AfDB Country manager Dr. Abdul Kamara with a swollen face

Officially, all international employees of African Development Bank (AfDB) are out of the Ethiopian capital-Adis Ababa!
This latest development arises from a recent scenario in which two top AfDB employees were allegedly detained, tortured and later released by plain-clothed security forces of the Ethiopian government.

The officials include AfDB country manager Dr. Abdul Kamara and another one whose country of origin has been kept a top secret. However, our Inspectors have landed on credible clues that the other official arrested alongside Kamara is a top Ugandan economist who has since been evacuated to Nairobi following a directive by AfDB president Adesina Akinwumi instructing all international staff to immediately flee Ethiopia following that nasty incident.

According to Adesina, the duo was rounded up as they left office and were arrested, tortured and detained for long hours before being released without any charge or official explanation.
Describing the assault as a very serious diplomatic incident, Adesina said following the incident on October 31, he sent a powerful delegation on November 22 to Adis to meet the Ethiopian government and bank staff, but that the delegation’s assessment was that the situation hadn’t been resolved.

“AfDB is partially concerned that Adis Ababa hasn’t shared any report or details of investigation of the incident” the bank’s head Adesina said in a statement.
He said the assault was a gross violation of their personal diplomatic immunities, rights and previledges under the bank’s Host Country Agreement with Ethiopia.

The staff were said to have been thumped thoroughly with Kamara sustaining severe wounds and a bruised face and was by press time undergoing treatment abroad while the Ugandan official bearing a Kiganda name is now in Kenya.

“Kamara (a Senegalese ) was badly beaten. It was terrible. His face was swollen by the time of his release and he’s now in hospital” explained an inspector, adding that this alleged ‘kidnap’ has now sent shockwaves across African nations operating in the AU headquarters’ nation fearing for their safety.

“If AU’s bank staff can be kidnapped and beaten to that level, are other Diplomats still safe in this Capital?” Wondered an inspector following the incident.
We’re informed that diplomats want this saga be debated by Summit of Heads of State and Government instead of leaving it to Ethiopian government alone as it concerns continental staff.
“This is not a local issue but a continental one. We have staff from all over the continent working in AfDB and are entitled to diplomatic immunity. Will the summit discuss this or they will all play Diplomatic safety?” An inspector in Nigeria said and wondered if president Museveni who is a Champion of Integration under the AU arrangement will cause a discussion on the matter.
But according to reports, the Ethiopian finance state minister Eyob Tekalign described the incident as regrettable although Adesina insists that’s not enough.

We understood that Uganda has a team of top economists in AfDB among whom includes Paul Mpuga who is the Chief Country Economist and John Bosco Bukenya who’s also a Principal country economist. These two alongside Kamara are said to be making wonders at AfDB making it a formidable financial institution.

“The Economist who was also arrested with boss is a Ugandan although for him he wasn’t tortured.
They have both (Kamara and Ugandan) been recalled out of Addis Ababa. The boss was badly tortured (and) he is abroad on treatment” explained an inspector.


According to Inspectors, the issue is about a USD6m deal. Apparently, there was a fake account which two top officials (names withheld) in government of Ethiopia allegedly created. This fake account purported Ethiopia’s payment of its contribution to the bank. However, Inspectors said a secret investigation by both Kamara and the Ugandan economist who has since relocated to Nairobi indicated that the alleged payments to the bank were fictitious as the bank didn’t possess such an account.

Their investigation indicated that this purported contribution was instead put on a private account in a foreign country (names withheld).
Our Inspectors however, said that whereas he was part of detained staff, the Ugandan economist wasn’t tortured possibly thanks to to the cordial relations that exist between Uganda and Ethiopia. The two nations have enjoyed good relations since the days of former prime minister Meles Zenawi. Not so long ago, first son Muhoozi Kainerugaba and CDF Wilson Mbadi were in Addis Ababa to further the existing good relations. The two countries have also collaborated on the issue of pacifying Somalia and in the fight against terrorism in the region.
Now, Inspectors said with Gen. Museveni being the Champion of Integration on the continent under the AU arrangement, the assault on AfDB Staff greatly awaits his response and wise counsel to ensure normal operations of the bank which is one of the key institutions of the African Union/economic integration. Over to you Gen. Museveni.



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