
“The Church Shouldn’t Limit Itself To Gospel Teaching Alone, But Also Teach Followers About Hardwork-Gen. Museveni

President Museveni has challenged the Church to not only focus on preaching evangelism but also teaching the young people about how they can solve problems affecting them. The head of state says to fullfil the work of God, the church ought to mobilize communities and make them active participants in programs that help them solve common problems affecting their wellbeing.

“We should indeed not be limited to evangelism, teaching and discipleship. Our young people should be taught the important values of honesty, human dignity,

Godliness, anti-corruption, anti- sectarianism, unity, gender respect and hard work” Museveni said through the Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo who represented him at the Consecration of new Bishop of Namirembe Diocese.

He said these virtues, commended by the Bible will ensure a good future for Uganda’s children. 

The head of state noted that as leaders, they have a duty to raise a generation who are focused and have vision for this country.

Museveni said as government, it will continue to work for maintenance of peace in the whole country and also put the necessary infrastructure in place as a way of facilitating the country’s development.

He hailed the continued cordial working relationship that exists between the Church Of Uganda and the State. 

“I want to thank all church leaders for faithfully taking up the noble vocation that has touched and caused transformation in the lives of many people through church

programs over the years. It is most commendable that the church is reaching out to the people beyond the pulpit, to enhance their participation in community

development and wealth creation as the NRM continues to push for economic transformation through the Parish Development Model country wide” he said.


The president said the Consecration and enthronement of a new Bishop is a special event for

Namirembe Diocese and the entire nation since it symbolizes a hand-over of office from a knowledgeable senior servant in the Kingdom of God. Rev. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira to a new leader.

He said Kityo’s retirement being witnessed today, is a gesture of handing over roles to the next leaders and not a complete disengagement from the ministry or service to God. 

“May you always welcome them with open hands in case they are experiencing any challenges that deserve your guidance. The seniority that you embody is a great advantage to the incoming team of leaders and I implore them to take advantage and treasure it” he advised.

To the incoming bishop Rev. Can. Moses Banja, Museveni congratulated him upon this achievement, saying his 

Consecration and enthronement is a statement and testimony of his unfailing devotion and faithfulness to the church and his remarkable spiritual growth that enabled the house of Bishops to discern him unto ministry. 

“I implore you to give yourself unto selfless service, utilize your vast experience to equip the believers with knowledge and skills that

will enable the church to flourish. As God has chosen you, His grace shall guide you and sustain your endeavors” he counseled adding that, the new Bishop will need to draw on the potentials that God bestowed on him to perform his duties. 

He added that the church will require wise counsel and guidance at all times from the new Bishop and God will shape the lives of individuals and families through him as he discharges duties. 

He commended the role the church plays in shaping the morals of our society.

“Religious institutions have supplemented government efforts in raising people’s living standards by providing literacy and skills through religions founded schools,

vocational institutions and universities; and promotion of good health through church founded hospitals and clinics. Also direct employment has been created

through church founded projects” he noted and urged them to continue being agents of positive change in our society. 

Museveni called upon the believers to receive and support the new Bishop wholeheartedly. 



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