
STOLEN IRON SHEETS: Minister Kitutu Blocks ‘Detectives’ From Entering Her House And Asks,

Minister Gorreti Kitutu


Dr. Maria Gorreti Kitutu, the embattled minister for Karamoja affairs, is nursing a broken heart.
The minister who is currently in the news for negative reasons over her alleged involvement in theft of iron sheets alongside a line of disgraceful ministers, now suggests that there’s a strong clique determined to bring her down like they have always done to many sons and daughters of Masaabaland.

Kitutu in an audio aired in Lumasaaba, her native language and said to be of her tone, explains that while she’s being pursued left, right and center, the real thugs who blew up the money for the Karamoja iron sheets are very free while she turns court into her other office, courtesy of her alleged crimes.

The ‘mabaati princess’ is wondering why she faces fresh summons when she ‘never’ touched the said mabaati. The minister is currently facing another ugly probe related to 11,006 iron sheets which seems to have disappeared under her nose and the IGG Beti Olive Namisango Kamya (BONK) is also itching to have her vomit the alleged fresh loot.

“I have never gone to their stores, and their iron sheets I have never touched them. (My) people as you saw, it was the Prime Minister who flagged them off. Now, they come back to me saying that 11000 iron sheets were missing. Really?” She states in the audio allegedly belonging to her.
The heartbroken minister who is also the woman MP for Manafwa, wonders why she’s being tormented over the sheets yet according to her, the goons who took the money are known and are freely walking while she faces trial.

“Those who ate the money are there but nobody has touched them and yet for me, I am in court defending myself” he says.

According to the minister, the iron sheets that were allegedly stolen by unpatriotic ministers, were subtracted from the entire batch and there was a directive (she doesn’t mention who gave it), that the remaining sheets be given out. But she says in the audio addressed to Bamasaaba that she never participated in that exercise at all.

“There was a directive that the remaining iron sheets in the store be given out and I never participated. As you all saw (it was) the Prime Minister. The 11000 sheets I never saw them. Before they started (giving out), they first subtracted the iron sheets alleged to have been stolen by the (unpatriotic) ministers. Now you my people (fellow Bamasaaba), should know that they are looking for me for nothing. They know the thieves and they should go for them” she said.
Kitutu, a decorated professional environmentalist however, seems to leave under a degraded environment as she cannot enjoy her freedom well in her well furnished home and or office.
For example, she says as all Ugandans and the world at large warmed up to the birth of Jesus and the new year festivities, herself was instead peeping through her windows fearing ugly visitors from visiting her.

Indeed, these ugly visitors in form of detectives according to the audio made a visit to her but on a Friday (whose date she doesn’t mention) and she wondered why. It should be recalled that her initial arrest occured on a Friday and when these appeared again, she knew exactly that they had nothing else in their hands but handcuffs alone!

So, it seems she never allowed them in as per the explanation in the audio.
“How do you come on a Friday evening to my house? How can we know what your intentions are?” She ranted, adding that actually, during the festive season, she was in total panic ‘because of those looking for me (her)’.

Indeed, we understood that BONK, had earlier on December 6, written a letter to Dr. Kitutu ordering her to appear in person before her office on January 11 (yesterday) to be roasted over the fresh Karamoja cash saga although the minister didn’t show up.
But Kitutu feels that all this, is nothing else but ‘witch-hunt’ by her detractors just like they have always victimized children of Masaabaland.

“There are many Bagisu who have been chased without any sound reasons but people are just keeping quiet. (Now) you see my people, you should know that this (iron sheets saga) is just witch-hunt. They are witch-hunting me, and for that matter, I decided to write to the president (Museveni)” she said although Museveni seems to have turned a blind eye on her letter to date.
The minister in the audio seems to be storing a lot of information that she hasn’t yet unleashed to her fellow natives in respect of their tribesmen who have ended a sad life while they worked in government.

Meanwhile, the fresh Kitutu saga has left ministers who participated in the loot in total panic as cabinet reshuffle takes shape. The audio is hereto attached. Watch this space!

The audio spilling the beans!


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