
Speaker Among Calls For Open Voting On Anti-Gay Bill, Tells MPs To Stand By Uganda’s Cultural Values

By John Taylor Imumet

Members of Parliament who may be silently backing homosexuals have no where to hide anymore!
This is after the speaker of parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Among has decided that any decision to be taken on the planned Anti-Homosexuality Bill will be done by show of hands as opposed to secret ballot or shouting AYE or NAY!

A tough talking Among today assured the nation that a bill criminalizing those who practice or promote this vice in the country is coming tomorrow on the floor of parliament.
“Tomorrow, we’re bringing a bill on Anti-Homosexuality. I want to request the religious leaders that this time you should be there to see who is who?” She said.

She added that in order to leave no stone unturned that could result into litigation after the passing of the bill, members will vote by show of hands.
It should be recalled that the first time such a bill was passed in 2013, it was quashed by court days after the president had assented to it on grounds that it was passed without quorum. Then speaker Rebecca Kadaga chaired the house which passed the bill. However, Among said this time round, the MPs will openly vote on the bill for them to be counted on whether, the sold the country or defended it and it’s morals.

“We will not allow an aspect of saying there was an aspect of quorum. Now we’re going to vote by show of hands. You’re either for homosexuality or against. We want to see the kind of leaders we have for this country” she said adding that she will stand by her word.

Anita made the remarks during a joint ecumenical thanksgiving prayer at parliament.
Among said the bill is among others things; meant to shield Ugandans from elements of homosexuality so as to safeguard the country’s cultural norms and values.

“We do not appreciate their (promoters) money that they are using to destroy our culture. We do not need their money, we need our culture. And on that note therefore, as an institution of Parliament that passes the laws, tomorrow [Wednesday] we are going to bring a Bill on Anti-homosexuality.” she said.

At the service held under the theme “Let your light shine; rebuilding our Godly image,” Among challenged leaders to be exemplary by providing the required light to flush out darkness killing society.
She pledged to Ugandans that the legislature which she heads, will strive to be the light of the world.

Among’s latest action against ‘reverse masters’ comes amid widespread concerns in the public about a rise in cases of homosexuality. In Mityana district for example, local reports indicated that the vice is rampant in Sekanyonyi area where parents complained of rampant cases of boys being sodomized.

However, it remains to be seen how the speaker will this time manage to pull members into the chambers to pass the bill when some of those members who opposed the previous bill/law are back in parliament. It’s not clear what their plans will be when this bill is tabled.

President Museveni last week said Uganda will not embrace homosexuality and the West should stop seeking to impose its views on us.

Tags : Anita AmongNRMPRIME MINISTER OF UGANDAUganda Parliament


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