
President Museveni Commends Orthodox Church For Extending Social Services To Wanainchi

VP Alupo greets the Bishops


President Yoweri Museveni has showered all the faithful of the Orthodox Church in Lwemiyaga with praises following their generous contributions towards the completion of St. George and Andrew Church. 

This church was started by Museveni’s pal, Sam Mwagalwa who’s also the father to Lwemiyaga county MP Theodore Ssekikubo but has now been elevated to a fully fledged Parish.

Through his workholic Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo, the head of state also congratulated the faithfuls upon the completion of St. Luke Secondary School, which he said will extend educational services to the surrounding community.

The General from Rwakitura said that his NRM government recognises the contribution of the Orthodox Church in extending social services to the wanainchi especially in field of health and education.

“The Church has continued to partner with Government in lifting the population’s standards of living through construction of schools and hospitals. This is a clear indication that the Church cares about the material needs of the believers,” Museveni said.

VP Alupo poses for a photo with Orthodox church leaders

He lectured that spiritual nourishment is important; but, it is not the only aspect of the Christian Ministry. He advised that a holistic and relevant ministry must express equal concern for the physical needs of the faithful. 

“While here on earth, the believers too, have physical needs that must be satisfied. For example the need for food, clothes, shelter, medicine.I therefore call upon all religious leaders to join hands with Government in the wealth creation campaign to eliminate poverty”, he stressed.

The President encouraged the faithful to engage in other income generating activities, saying Poverty, in Uganda, arises from the fact that 39% of the households are still engaged in subsistence farming, still working only for food. “This is dangerous because in addition to food, there are other human wants required to live a happy and long life,”  the President said.

VP Alupo addressing the congregation

He noted that it is no longer sustainable for one to live outside the money economy and expect to attain a happy life.

“Subsistence farming should be eliminated because it is a recipe for poverty and backwardness”, Museveni counselled.

The president said there are four sectors where wealth and jobs can be created and they include: commercial agriculture, industries, services and ICT. He further encouraged the masses to get involved in the Parish Development Model, which is aimed at increasing productivity and profitability of agricultural output. 

According to him, this will eliminate spectators from the wealth and jobs creation campaign.  

President Museveni commended Archbishop Jeronymos Muzeeyi for his able stewardship and spiritual guidance of Uganda Orthodox Church and thanked him for his efforts to unite and grow the Orthodox faith in Uganda. Museveni contributed Sh60m towards their activities.

Meanwhile, Vice President Alupo congratulated the Orthodox Church in consecration of  St. George and Andrews church, which she said, drew her closer because of the choice of the name “George”, like her father.

She underscored that many times she has witnessed Inter-religious cooperation and harmony everytime she has visited the Orthodox Church and asked them to continue upholding those values.

Alupo assured believers that President Museveni is very pleased with all the support from the people of Sembabule district and pledged that all issues that were raised by local leaders including roads, schools, hospitals would be addressed systematically. She contributed sh20m towards the construction and equipment of a science laboratory at St. Luke Secondary School. She asked locals to continue supporting Museveni in 2026 and beyond.

The State Minister of Health for General Ditties Hanifa Kawooya (Woman MP) and Lwemiyaga MP Theodore Ssekikuubo pledged to continue working together for the development and transformation of the people of Sembabule. 

Ssekikuubo paid tribute to his late father for constructing  the church which has now transformed into a fully-fledged parish. 

VP Alupo speaks to one of the children


Consecration of a church is a service of sanctification and solemn dedication of a building for use as a church. 

This colourful ceremony attracted hundreds of faithful and was performed by Metropolitan Bishop of Kananga-Haliton Ilunga of Democratic Republic of Congo who represented Pope  Theodoros II of Africa, assisted by the Archbishop of Kampala, Jeronymos Muzeeyi, Bishop Innocent Byakatonda (Burundi and Rwanda), Bishop Silverstros Kisitu (Jinja and Eastern Uganda), Bishop Nictarios Kabuye (Gulu-Northern Uganda and Southern Sudan) and Bishop Penelitos of Nyeri Diocese in Kenya. Members of Parliament and other leaders also attended.

VP Alupo watering a tree she planted
Tags : Maj. Jessica AlupoNRMPresident Yoweri Museveni


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