
Pomp As Gen. Museveni Donates Brand New Wheels To West Rwenzori Bishop Tibaijuka!

VP Alupo handover the number plate and the vehicle to an excited Bp Tibaijuka and his team

West Rwenzori Bishop Barnabas Tibaijuka is wearing a smiling face after landing a brand new vehicle courtesy of President Yoweri Museveni.

The donation that was handed to the man of God by Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo at her office in Kampala, is to assist him in his pastoral duties. 

The vehicle which is in UBP series has left the Pilate showering Gen. Museveni and his government with endless praises.

So happy he was at the handover, that the Man of God swore to use the vehicle to enhance God’s work in the Diocese and the province at large.

In a jovial mood currently rivaled by no other person in Uganda, Bp Tibaijuka used the handover ceremony to congratulate the NRM Government  and Parliament for enacting the Anti-homosexuality Act.

“As true Africans and Christians, we have to preserve our traditions and the Bibilical truth which is the foundation of our faith”, the Bishop said.

Bp Tibaijuka and his team shows off the number plate and the vehicle

On food security which has been a rallying call from the President over the years, the Bishop reiterated  his pledge to encourage Christians to involve themselves in commercial agriculture.

“It’s very embarrassing to preach the word when the flock is yawning or dozing. We shouldn’t preach to hungry flock. We must guide our Christians to have what to eat and what to sell since we have a role to change people’s hearts and attitudes” he noted.

He vowed to further the Church’s partnership with the NRM Government in changing lives through mindset change, commercial Agriculture, upholding security and unity in the region.

VP Alupo holds a brief meeting with the bishop and his team at her office


Meanwhile, the Vice President who is also Katakwi district woman MP Maj. Alupo, extolled the new prelate for interesting her about the diocese acquisition of over 20 acres of land on which they are going to undertake commercial agriculture.

She was also happy with the new Bishop for taking further steps to improve on the health of the laity by making efforts to refurbish the main hospital in the district (Bundibugyo).

VP Alupo hands over the vehicle’s logbook to Bp Tibaijuka

Recently, during his consecration presided over by tourism minister Tom Butime who represented the president, Museveni pledged to give a vehicle to the new Bishop, a pledge which came to pass today through workholic 2iC Alupo!

The meeting was miraculous as it brought together hitherto political nemeses Harriet Ntabazi (state minister for trade) and her rival Jane Alisemera Babiiha (NRM EC Commissioner) and they both spotted unity of purpose throughout the ceremony. Others in attendance included David Bahati, also a state minister.



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