
PICTORIAL: Minister Rwamirama, Board Members Visit Kasolwe Livestock Farm

State minister for Agriculture in charge of animal husbandry Col. Bright Rwamirama has visited Kamuli-based Kasolwe Livestock Farm. The minister was in company of board members and the Executive Director of National Animal Genetic Resources & Data Bank (NAGRC& DB). The team included board members Loyce Biira Bwambale and John Nkuhe together with NAGRC &DB Executive Director Dr. Peter Beine.

The farm manager Daniel Epinyu took the minister and team around the various animal units on the farm including among others the piggery unit and cattle. In the pictures, the team alongside the minister were all smiles given the level of development on the ground.

Other important units on the farm include the goats unit, fish, poultry, feed mill among others.
Started during colonial days but faded out in subsequent years, Kasolwe Livestock Farm was revitalized about five years ago with government turning it into a modern farm where people will attain skills, good animal breeds, standardized feeds, fish stock among others.

The farm has been equipped with a state of the art cattle unit which has a milking parlor, cow shade, spray unit, among others important facilities. NAGRC & DB is running other similar farms in Aswa, Bulambuli, Lusenke, Ruhengyere spread out in various regions of the country.

Well, our lens men were present as Col. Rwamirama and team visited the farm a few days ago. Enjoy them!



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