
Pictorial As Nemeses Kadaga, Among Meet In State House!

Gen. Museveni posses for a group photo with the VP Alupo and other CEC members

Speaker of Parliament Anita Annet Among and her nemesis Ex-speaker Rebecca Kadaga were yesterday guests at State House-Entebbe.

This was during a CEC meeting organized by NRM chairman also president Yoweri Museveni.

According to Faruk Kirunda, the deputy president’s press secretary, Museveni met CEC members yesterday where they discussed issues concerning the party.

“His Excellency the President and National Chairman of the National Resistance Movement (NRM), Gen (Rtd). Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has held a meeting with the party’s Central Executive Committee (CEC) members at State House, Entebbe” he said without giving further details apart from saying the meeting discussed issues related to the party.

Notable among those who attended this meeting included CEC member Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga who is also the NRM second national vice chairperson together with speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Among. These two principals have in the recent past been involved in verbal artillery mainly fired by Among who accuses Kadaga of what she called trying to scheme for her job come 2026.

On the other hand, Kadaga has remained calm hopefully to de-escalate apart from some voices in Busoga that have cautioned Among against demonizing Kadaga whom they refer to as ‘Mama Busoga’.

However, from the pictures that we accessed, the two ladies from the East didn’t take an opportunity to share a picture in show of a ceasefire even as other leaders took several of them in an interactive session apart from the group picture where all participants appeared. Enjoy the pictures!



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