
NRM Bosses Exchange Brawls In London Hotel Over Gen. Museveni’s 46000 Pounds

The death of Queen Elizabeth II could have pained Gen. Yoweri Museveni. However, to some of his party supporters in the Queen’s land itself-London, it was seemingly a blessing in disguise!
This is because, his men and women got an opportunity to ‘edit’ his (Museveni) funds that had been earmarked for mobilization as he planned to visit UK.

It is this alleged money amounting to about 46000 pounds that is threatening to cause a ‘World War III’ of sorts among his team something that might give Bobi Wine and his NUP a free ride to takeover the whole of UK politically. In this expose, we reveal how the president’s flopped visit to London is now turning into a terrible problem to him and his NRM.


On 10th this month, Museveni was supposed to attend a meeting baptized as 12th Uganda-UK Trade and Investment Summit. It was organised by a one Willy Mutenza who’s believed to be a former NRA kadogo. The general from Rwakitura had confirmed attendance and was due to travel.

Somehow, his adversaries particularly National Unity Platform of Bobi Wine got wind of the president’s planned visit.
Henceforth, they allegedly got in touch with other Human Rights activists in London and Europe in general and formed a global network. The purpose of this network was to make various fronts in major capitals around the world in addition to storming the meeting where Museveni was to attend.

“They wanted to protest against human rights violations and the continued incarceration of MPs Sewannyana and Sseggirinya. They wanted to embarrass Museveni and cause scenes” says an Inspector.

We’re told as they planned, a mole claimed to be an FDC activist leaked the whole plan to NRM.
When the NRM learnt of this Intel, it was allegedly relayed to state house particularly the advance team Unit. We understood the team was already in US for the UNAA conference where they had planned to cross over to UK to attend the meeting together with Museveni.

“The unit was asked to immediately cross over to UK and take the urgent necessary steps to counter the NUP shinanigans. They were also advised to liase with well known and tested patriots of NRM in diaspora to level the ground ahead of of his visit” an inspector explained.
All these tasks we’re told were given to a one Kisanja Hillary Musoke who works in state house. He was tasked with overseeing a counter offensive working with the Patriots some of whom are personally known to Gen. Museveni.

Like an injured snake, Kisanja swung into action and contacted a one Barbara Atutunda who’s believed to be a sister in law to the late Eriya Kategaya. We’re told she singled out a one Patrick Asiimwe who’s said to be the chairman NRM UK and Ireland chapter.
“My instructions are to work with real old cadres who understand this place well. I am coming there and bringing many (NRM) T-shirts. You organize foot soldiers and cadres to counter those hooligans” Kisanja was quoted as telling Asiimwe and group. It’s said the group hit the ground and organized an ‘army’ to counter NUP.

While everything was in full gear, news broke out that the pounds from Kampala had allegedly been diverted to a different group not the core counter force group. It is said to have been handed to a man who hails from northern Uganda and calls himself the chairman of NRM-Bristol cell located 300km from the capital-London.

It is a 3hrs ride in an electric train!
Unfortunately, even as the plans were being laid, president Museveni received sad news that his friend (Queen Elizabeth II) whom he hosted in 2007 for Chogm had died two days before be could set off to London.

“The meeting flopped after he cancelled his trip in maximum respect for Her Majesty. However, as you can see, the funds had already been disbursed. The function was on the 10th, and Museveni cancelled on 9th because Queen died on 8th. So, the problem now is accountability. Where did they take the money. What accountability are they going to give” says an Inspector, adding that it is the money that is causing a serious battle between the Asiimwes and the group of the man from northern Uganda (names withheld for now).

We’re told Kisanja was nearly thumped as he kept telling the group that ‘money is coming, money is coming. It is on the way, let’s be patient. It’s coming, please’
He however, got shocking news that it had allegedly been diverted under unclear circumstances, leaving his men with teary eyes.

“If they don’t bring this money, we’re deserting NRM. People in diaspora are against NRM because of perceived greed and corruption. How are we going to convince them to support the president when there are glaring gaps in accountability?” Ranted an inspector.
Drama and power struggles in this UK chapter have continued to rock it. Recently, there was a move by NRM external affairs director Maj. Pollar Awich to try to reorganize it by way of causing elections. However, the secretary general Richard Todwong moved swiftly and directed a suspension of the exercise until necessary procedures related to register had been handled.


Meanwhile, besides the UK chapter feuds, even the Diaspora League itself isn’t settled.
We’re told of a serious feud and confusion between the Diaspora Office led by Amb. Abbey Walusimbi and a parallel office of the Director NRM External relations led by Maj. Pollar Awich.
The ‘Awich’ office was originally occupied by Professor Tarsis Bazana Kabwegyere before roles of secretaries were abolished in 2005 during the innaugral NRM delegates conference.

During Kabwegyere stint, the Diaspora was said to be cool busy fighting the opposition Reform Agenda and FDC of Besigye unlike today where the same office is said to be formenting intrigue in NRM. The whole source of feud is said to be on organizing diaspora functions that are said to be a lucrative business.

“Awich argues that he is an equivalent of a Civil servant at the NRM secretariat but Ambassador Hajji Walusimbi is the elected NRM Diaspora League chairman! He was elected in 2005 at the innaugral NRM national conference. He was elected along with Barrister Peter Magomu Mashate who was also elected as the General Secretary NRM Diaspora League” says an Inspector.

Indeed, Diaspora League under Walusimbi maintains a Diaspora office at the 10 Kyadondo road different from that of Awich. Walusimbi is also the Senior Presidential Advisor on Diaspora affairs in office of the president. Walusimbi has in recent years brought to President Museveni many investors including an international artist Akon who is going to build a business City in Uganda.

The Inspector was told that whereas the Diaspora structures are constitutional offices and therefore answerable to the Chairman Diaspora League who in turn is answerable to the SG Todwong and the national Chairman President Museveni, the office of Director for external relations is appointive not elective and cannot therefore supritend elective offices.

“What Awich is doing is abuse of process which has formented conflict in the Diaspora especially UK and South Africa. The party chairman through the SG needs to correct this anomaly otherwise, we recently saw an attempt by the same office trying to undo a directive by Todwong on not organizing elections in UK chapter” an inspector said.
Watch this space!

Tags : NRMPresident Yoweri Museveni


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