
Namisindwa VHTs, LCs Storm Bungati Sub-county Offices Over Unpaid Immunization Allowances

By Fregencio Mukomazi

Over 30 village chairpersons and Village Health Teams from Bungati sub county in Namisindwa district on Wednesday stormed Subcounty headquarters demanding for unpaid allowances.
The furious officials demanded explanations why they have not been paid their allowances on Measles and Polio-Rubbela immunization exercise.

Each VHT was entitled to Shs 60,000 and Shs 40,000 for chairpersons with payment to be cleared in December last year.
Nandelege Yokana the LC chairman for Woshibi Village expressed discontent over non-payment of their money explaining that they performed their duties efficiently. Nandelega who doubles as the leader of all chairpersons says they have wasted a lot saliva trying ask for their pay and are now becoming impatient.

Aidah Bulali says there is no clear information on when they will be given their money.
“She says nobody is ready to explain to them especially on the details of their money” she says.
Meanwhile, Wokooli Stephen the Bungati sub county Chairperson made the complainants grow more wrinkles in their faces after he advised them to approach district authorities. He assured them that his subcounty has no authority to make those payments.

Bwayo Emma the Namisindwa District Male Youth Councillor says even district Councillors are equally concerned. He explains that during last council sitting in December, health department was tasked to handle concerns of VHTs and LCs urgently. He wondered why this has taken long.
When contacted on phone, Dr Masai Stephen said accounts had been updated and that efforts are in full gear to effect payments starting this week.



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