
Namisindwa Leaders Call For Peace, Prosperity In 2023

Simon Mulongo

By Peter Wamutosi

As people around the world are celebrating the New Year, current and former leaders from Namisindwa District local government delivered their New Year messages to their citizens, reviewing the past year and hoping for peace and prosperity in 2023.

In his New Year message, African Union Deputy Envoy Simon Mulongo described 2022 as tough and predicted the coming year will have its challenges.

Mulongo who is also the former Member of Parliament and CA delegate for Bubulo County East in current Namisindwa District, says there is need to reflect on 2022 challenges and take lessons for the new year.

He observed the need for determination in the new year wishing his people prosperity and more life in 2023.

While giving his New Year Message in an exclusive interview with our reporter at Mountain Inn Hotel Mbale on Monday morning, George William Wopuwa the Moroto RDC said preaching peace, love and reconciliation should be theme for 2023.

Wopuwa the former Namisindwa District Boss asked residents to embrace government programs to improve household income.

Meanwhile, Bwayo Emma the Namsindwa Male Youth Councilor asked parents and guardians plus school managers to prepare for the new academic year explaining that preparations is very key.

Bwayo says 2023 is a special year for hustlers asking them to double effort for better results.

Tags : Simon Mulongo


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