
Museveni Wants All Govt-Funded Infrastructure Projects To Use Locally Made Materials 

JOYFUL: VP Alupo, Gen. Wamala and others filled with joy as she launches UNABCEC

In an effort to create more employment opportunities for Ugandans, President Yoweri Museveni has directed that all public infrastructures funded by tax payer’s money should use locally produced goods.

The president says this would help create more job opportunities for people especially youths many of whom are on the streets.

“I am happy to note that we are now manufacturing most of the building materials locally, which is providing employment for our young people. I would like to encourage all infrastructure projects funded by public resources, to use locally produced goods so as to create more job 

opportunities” the head of state said in a speech delivered by his forever Loyal cadre and Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo.

The VP who is also the Katakwi district Woman representative represented her boss at the      opening ceremony of Uganda Construction and Infrastructure Forum and Exhibition, Celebrating 30years of Uganda National Association Of Building and Civil Engineering Contractors (UNABCEC) in Kampala.

He said that government continues to invite investors for various construction projects through Public Private Partnerships(PPP), adding that this collaboration between the government, the private sector and all the construction industry’s stakeholders is very important for Uganda to attain its development goals.

He said his immediate focus has been to provide more energy to power our industries, light-up our homes and streets and to improve transport infrastructure development. 

Museveni said when these are done, Uganda shall have ready requirements, ease the movement of persons, goods and services. 

VP Alupo beginning welcomed to the function by works minister Gen. Katumba Wamala and his team

“This is why government has embarked on construction projects all over the country including; schools, hospitals, roads, rails, airports and housing projects and designated areas for industrial parks” he said.

The First Citizen said construction industry is the backbone of the nation’s development as it breathes life into our infrastructure, fuels economic growth, and provides livelihoods to countless individuals and families across the ‘Anti-Homosexual’ nation.

He revealed that this sector has consistently contributed significantly to Uganda’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), accounting for 12% of our economic prosperity.

Museveni said that government’s  commitment to infrastructure development is unwavering and it continues to allocate a substantial budget for infrastructure projects.

“It is our strategy and promise to continue making STEADY PROGRESS in taking Uganda to modernity through “Job Creation and Inclusive Development” which is our effort as enshrined in the NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME of VISION 2040” he assured, adding that the government’s goal has been to transform Uganda from a predominantly peasant and low

Time for group photo with the Second In Command

income country to a competitive upper middle income status country, under the theme of, “ACCELERATING UGANDA’S SOCIOECONOMIC TRANSFORMATION”.

The president said that the model government has adopted is to track quality of life of its people by focusing the indicators on five key categories including Education, Health, Environmental Quality & Recreation, Social & Cultural Amenities, and Information & Transportation Access. 

“All these categories have infrastructure, construction, manufacturing and supplies as the underpinning disciplines and services. This is why I have put emphasis on the enhanced training of our scientists in our schools” he said.


The man from Rwakitura, raised his fist of victory towards UNABCEC for its 30 years’ contribution in shaping the Uganda’s construction sector as the private sector, which government has greatly benefited from.

Gen. Wamala holding a plague

He described it as a very important milestone considering the challenges they have gone through and accomplishments of the past.

He advised them that, as they sit to celebrate these milestones, they should also look at shaping the future of Uganda’s construction and infrastructure.

VP Alupo addressing the forum

“At the same time, you are rebranding your organization into the Uganda National Association of Builders, Suppliers and Engineering Contractors (UNABSEC). I believe expanding the association to include all construction contracting stakeholders can enhance inclusivity, better reflect the diverse membership, and signify a broader commitment to collaboration and community involvement” he noted adding that this change may foster a more comprehensive representation of the organization’s purpose and values.

Tags : Jessica AlupoPresident Yoweri Museveni


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