
MP Musila Blames Expelled CAO Olabaro’s Woes On Councilors

John Musila

By Weswa Ronnie

Bubulo East-Namisindwa Member of Parliament John Musila has no kind words for area councilors, saying they are the ones who orchestrated the knifing of the district CAO Olabaro.
He says the councilors are the ones who petitioned local government minister seeking for transfer of Franco Olabore the outgoing CAO.

Last week councilors and LCIII of the newly created administrative units at Namisindwa district petitioned the Ministry of local government demanding for the transfer of their CAO accusing him of misappropriating road fund money, having poor working relationship with political side, illegal recruitment of staff among other allegations.

Based on the allegations, this very week permanent secretary at ministry of local government Ben Kumumanya asked Olabore to hand over the office to John Patrick Nuwabigaba former acting CAO of Katakwi district to pave way for investigations.

While speaking to our reporter in an exclusive interview at Chebukubi super market located in Mbale city, Musila says that even though CAO had mistakes, they would have ironed their matters internally than petitioning.

He adds that the issue of over recruiting workers as councillors allege has no problem and it benefits the young children of Namisindwa.

Musila described councilors who wrote a petition as leaders who have selfish interests and aim to pull the district down in terms of services delivery or development.

Meanwhile, Mwelu Noah the Bukhabusi LC. V councilor advised Musila to mind his business as an MP and not interfere with the work of councilors doing their oversight role.
“It’s true that our children were recruited and no one refutes that but they paid heavily to be recruited and yet most of them have not accessed payroll which is a problem especially when most of them got loans from money lenders which have accumulated alot of interest” he noted.

Bwayo Emma the Namisindwa Male Youth Councilor says Musila’s opinions on the matter are diversionary and shouldnt be given any attention. Bwayo says the recruitment was not the only issue which CAO mishandled.

“Musila should bother to find out the merits in the petition especially what the road fund did in the district during Olaboro’s tenure. I also want to remind Musila that the District Council is the Supreme body of the where CAO reports” he said.



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