
“Most Of Us Were No Bodies But Books Have Made Us Who We’re” Speaker Among Counsels Namilyango College Students

Rt. Hon. Among with her hubby Moses Magogo, Bishop and students of Namilyago

The Speaker of Parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among has cautioned students against indulging in dangerous things that will ruin their future.
She says students should instead put their energy in books, noting that focusing on their books is the only way for them to build a better future.

Among adds that education brings people of different economic background on the same footing and therefore, students need not to play around with books.
“Most of us were no bodies. We were not from rich families, but because we took intentional steps and made books our business, we are here today” she said adding that a friend of hers has taught her to believe that education is the best ‘equalizer’.

Among made the remarks during celebrations to mark 121 years of Namilyango College in Mukono district yesterday.
The speaker who’s on the forefront to fight homosexuality vice in the country, also warned students against bullying, saying such a practice had caused deaths in some instances.
On the recent rise in cases of homosexuality, the speaker vowed that Uganda is held together by strong values which shall not be compromised by anyone no matter the intimidation.

She said as a country, Uganda is determined to guard her norms and values.
“We cannot just look on as a small group of people seek to hijack us into unnatural practices. I urge students to steer clear but remind those trying to shovel their immorality down our throats that we shall not allow them to succeed” she said.

Her remarks come a week after parliament she ably chaired passed the Anti-gay bill which not only criminalizes this vice but also gives severe punishments to anyone involved in funding, promoting among others, with the harshest penalty being hanging.

Rt. Hon. Anita Among shares a photo with students

Among also joined others in applauding Namilyango College for being pivotal in Uganda’s history, noting that it “is difficult to have a proper narration of Uganda without mentioning Namilyango College, which she said has nurtured several Ugandans over the years.

She praised God Almighty for; “Giving us the best hands and the wisdom that has maintained our School at the highest level to make the school the pride of our country,”

Tags : Moses MagogoRt. Hon. Anita AmongSpeaker of ParliamentUganda Parliament


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