
Min. Nankabirwa Clarifies On The Fate Of REA Staffs After Merger


The Minister for Energy and Mineral Development Dr. Ruth Nankabirwa says former staffs of Rural electrification agency (REA) will be recruited into the ministry when the contracts expire in October this year.

She however, says these will be recruited under a different arrangement and new terms.
Minister Nankabirwa told this News site that cabinet created a department in the ministry of energy and mineral development which is going to carry out the rural electrification program.
“Government through cabinet created a department which is going to be in charge of rural electrification program and shall consider them (former REA staffs) first but under different arrangement through public service” she said adding that ‘we are going to engage the former REA staffs on new terms of recruitment through public service.

She said this will turn the staff into permanent staffs of the ministry and they will do the same work they have been doing in rural electrification agency.
“These are our own children and relatives and we can not chase them like that. We shall reconsider them since Rural electrification is very key. I urge them to accept the decision government took and it wasn’t a punishment to any of them but we are going to reconsider them” she said

The former Rural Electrification Agency staffs have up to October this year to put down their tools and wait for the ministry to re-recruit them.
Last year government took a decision to merge Rural electrification Agency (REA) as part of government’s plan to review the existence of 157 entities in what could see 61 agencies retained while at least 33 other entities be incorporated back into their parent ministries



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