
Kyengera Woman Wanted for Alleged Homosexuality, Faces Dire Circumstances Amid Anti-Gay Law

ON THE RUN: Rose Namawejje

KYENGERA, Uganda — The repercussions of Uganda’s controversial Anti-Homosexuality Act have intensified, with the LGBT+ community feeling the brunt of the legislation. Among those now caught in the crossfire is Rose Namawejje, a 28-year-old Ugandan woman who finds herself on the run from authorities.

The Anti-Homosexuality Act, signed into law by President Yoweri Museveni in May 2023, has triggered a surge of persecution against the LGBT+ community. The legislation casts a wide net, criminalizing all forms of LGBT+ expression and imposing severe penalties for those found guilty. Namawejje, accused of engaging in same-sex acts, faces a precarious fate if apprehended.

Eyewitnesses in the Kyengera neighborhood report that Rose was captured while allegedly participating in a lesbian activity with Annie Kalembe. An enraged crowd descended upon them, armed with sticks, machetes, and petrol. While Annie managed to escape, Rose bore the brunt of the mob’s fury, sustaining serious injuries.

“We saw them together,” recounted a resident who witnessed the incident. “The anger was palpable. They beat her mercilessly.” Kyamagero, a resident of Kyengera, Mugongo B, reported to our correspondent.

Despite fleeing the scene and evading the mob’s wrath, the police opened a case against Namawejje, with the reference number 19/24/06/2023. Her current whereabouts remain unknown, leading to speculation that she might have fled the country.



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