
“Jesus Also Worked To Earn Bread Besides Praying And Fasting”-Gen. Museveni Tells Christians

VP Alupo getting Museveni's portrait from the clergy

President Yoweri Museveni has advised Christians to emulate Jesus Christ whom he says besides fasting and prayer, he also earned his bread by working alongside his dad Joseph.

“The Scriptures show us that besides fasting and prayer, he also healed the physical ailments of the blind, lame, lepers, deaf among others .He also earned his bread by working alongside his earthly father Joseph as a carpenter” he said.

The head of state emphatically added that Jesus was not a passive bystander or spectator in the development process of his society, instead; he worked for both the spiritual and socio-economic uplift of society. 

Museveni said this is exactly what all Christians must emulate, adding that the Christian ministry should not be limited to spiritual evangelism. 

“It should also cater for the material needs of the people. I urge the religious leaders to mobilize 

the faithful, under their stewardship, to embrace the wealth creation campaign of the NRM, in order to create jobs and eliminate poverty, at the household level” the CiC Gen. Museveni advised in a speech delivered by Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo at celebrations to mark 100 years of Rushoroza Catholic Parish in Kabale-Kigezi.

The president said poverty in Uganda, is caused by the fact that 38% of the Ugandan households are still trapped in subsistence farming, meaning they are working for the stomach only. 

VP Alupo getting a present from the bishop

The president described this as dangerous in the modern era where all goods and services needed to sustain life must be bought with money.


Museveni reiterated NRM’s message, regarding the socio-economic transformation which has four sectors in the economy, where individuals, families and companies, can create jobs and wealth to guarantee their prosperity. 

He outlined the four sectors as commercial agriculture, services, industries and ICT. 

“Through the wealth creation funds and campaigns, the NRM has been mobilizing the people of Ugandan, to select profitable enterprises in any of the four sectors. Government has put in place the necessary conditions to ensure the profitability of the enterprises including good roads, 

electricity, peace and security; integration of the Ugandan market to the regional, African and international markets; passing policies that favour the private sector” he said adding that these economic advantages must be translated into jobs and wealth for the households in order for this development to be meaningful.

The president said the Parish Development Model and the wealth funds being given out are aimed at increasing the number of wealth creators engaged in production in the four sectors of: commercial agriculture, industries, services and ICT.


According to Museveni Rushoroza Parish is the cradle of the Catholic faith in Kigezi region. 

He says the founding of the Catholic faith ushered both spiritual and material transformation in Kigezi region. 

Museveni told the congregation that this helped to instill good morals among the faithful; planted the fear of God in people’s hearts and cultivated the practice of good neighborliness in the communities.

VP Alupo addressing the congregation

“When the White Fathers arrived at Nyarushanje, in 1909, they came with the goal of winning converts to the Christian faith and bringing enlightenment to Kigezi. At that time, our communities were still backward; that’s to say illiterate, poor and underdeveloped” he noted adding that Missionary work did not stop at spiritual conversion but also  it involved teaching the new converts how to read, write and count. 

The head of state said Missionaries pioneered the establishment of schools and hospitals which he said indicated that they were alert to both the spiritual and physical needs of the people. 

” They emulated the example of Jesus Christ. I want to thank Bishop Callist Rubaramira for inviting me at the Centenary Celebrations of Rushoroza Parish” he said before wishing them fruitful Celebrations. 

Tags : Jessica AlupoNRMPresident Yoweri Museveni


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