
“Its Unfortunate Wakiso People Can’t Do Gen. Museveni’s 4-Acre Model Due To Land Grabbing”, Says Chief Muzzukulu Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo

Hajat Uzeiye addressing the crowds

The head of NRM Office of the National Chairman Hajat Uzeiye Namyalo Hadijah has noted with concern that the president’s 4-acre model has become impossible to the people of Wakiso district due to rampant land grabbing.

Uzeiye who’s also the National Cordinator of the Bazzukulu movement made the remarks after locals in the district complained of massive land grabbing and evictions. This was during NRM party celebrations at Kyengera Town Council in Wakiso district where the party’s supporters converged to celebrate NRM achievements and also endorse the Jjajja Omalako Tova Ku Main campaign.

“Land grabbing is a big challenge here in Wakiso. You’re here handling a land issue (but) they are evicting people elsewhere. So, this is Ggwanga Mujje. RDCs as heads of District Security Committees, you must ensure you fight land grabbing in Wakiso” said Wakiso RDC Juliet Mbabazi.

Henry Luzinda, the ONC coordinator for Greater Wakiso assured Hajat Uzeiye that land grabbing is engineered from the lands office and asked for it’s temporary closure.

Hajat Uzeiye accompanied by Hajji Kiyimba on her arrival
Hajat Uzeiye accompanied by Hajji Kiyimba on her arrival

“This problem starts from the Land Office in Wakiso. Brokers are many. The land office should be closed in Wakiso. People want to see the president arresting the thugs and dump them Luzira” he said. To prove how serious the issue is, Luzinda paraded before Hajat Uzeiye an old man in his 80s whose land in Buwaate is threatened by grabbers who want even to demolish his house. He tabled before the Chief Muzzukulu documents which the old man says make him the legitimate owner of the land.

“It’s unfortunate that Wakiso people can’t do the president’s 4-acre model because of land grabbing” she said.
Hajat Uzeiye however, cleared the president’s name before the NRM fans, saying no one should hide under his name to evict people.

Hajat Uzeiye sharing with RDC Mbabazi Juliet
Hajat Uzeiye sharing with RDC Mbabazi Juliet

“President Museveni has told us whenever we asked him about this issue and he says he has never sent anyone to evict people. So, I want to assure you Wakiso people, that Museveni as NRM chairman has never sent anyone to evict you” she said amid thunderous applause from the fans.

She advised people to mobilize themselves to fight whenever there is an attempt to evict them.
“Even if you don’t get on well with your neighbor, if he’s being evicted, fight together. Don’t sit, let’s mobilize ourselves and fight land grabbers” she advised, adding that at times, those who evict people do it with the help of soldiers and police. She warned the security agencies against getting involved in such corrupt tendencies which taint the image of their commander in chief. She said some soldiers who participate in such illegalities claim to have orders from above.

RDC Mbabazi shares with Rose Sseninde
RDC Mbabazi shares with Rose Sseninde

Speaker after speaker, people complained about land, poor roads, charges in government schools, and unfulfilled pledges.
“We love NRM so much. As Wakiso, we need Museveni. Those who say they don’t want him, it’s their right to bring theirs. Those things of (first son) Muhoozi, we don’t know them because Museveni hasn’t told us that he’s leaving. We still want him” Wakiso district NRM chairman Hajji. Abdu Kiyimba said.

Hajat Uzeiye listens to concerns of Persons with Disabilities

The function was also attended by NRM director for mobilization at the NRM secretariat Rosemary Sseninde who scoffed at those who thought NRM had lost ground in Wakiso. She said the crowds that attended the celebrations were clear evidence that NRM is still strong in Wakiso.
“Let’s continue loving each other. Let’s be united. Whenever we fight, we give chance to the opposition to defeat us. NRM is a mass party, so let’s continue supporting Museveni because he’s a gift to us from God” she said and thanked the ONC head Hajat Uzeiye for rejuvanating NRM support in the country.

ONC PRO Ibrahim Kitatta together with ONC admin Hajat Mariam Nakimuli
ONC PRO Ibrahim Kitatta together with ONC admin Hajat Mariam Nakimuli

The district leaders also reported to Uzeiye that other challenges facing the district include corruption among governmnent officials but the RDC said they are soon embarking on holding barazas where officials will be tasked to account for funds meant for key governmnent programs and those who will fail will be arrested.

“We’re going to start barazas to ask officials where money goes” Mbabazi said and also warned against levying charges from women who benefit from the night economy like food vendors, chicken roasters among others.

Meanwhile, on the request by Hajat Uzeiye to explain why the soldiers get involved in evicting people, Maj. Charles Kabona, the 1st division loudmouth said it’s not the policy of the army as an institution to engage in evicting people.
“Those doing this are doing it at individual level not as an institution. Whoever does it, report that person to authorities like the RDC or police so that the army takes it from there. No soldier is above the law” he said.

Uzeiye said her office is working out a program to equip the youth and women on enterprenuership and savings skills. She said the president is equally concerned that even as he brings many programs and also sends money, his people on the grassroots don’t get this money.
She said Museveni wonders why with all the ministers and MPs he has, the aid he sends seems not to be reaching.

“People might hate Museveni for not fulfilling what he promises, but they might be blaming a wrong person. So, let’s make a big petition to him highlighting those pending pledges” she advised.

The function which attracted people from the 8 constituencies and 27 sub counties that make up Wakiso district was crowned with leaders in the district endorsing the Jjajja Omalako Tova Ku Main campaign and asked Mzee to return come 2026.

NRM fans listening to Hajat Uzeiye message
NRM fans listening to Hajat Uzeiye message
Tags : Hajat Uzeiye NamyaloNRMPresident Yoweri Museveni


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