
Iron Sheets Ministers Panic As New Names Are Being Vetted To Take Up Their Cabinet Seats

Fred Omach

By John Taylor Imumet

The saga for ministers who shared iron sheets for Karamoja region has taken a nasty twist. Even before the investigations are done, already reports indicate studies on those who can replace the affected ministers have started. In this expose, we give you who is who in the race!

Fred Omach
He’s the former state minister for finance until 2020 when he was ditched after voters kicked him out of parliament.
He’s currently the chairman board-UNRA, Pride Microfinance, Uganda Debt Network, ISBAT University among other entities where he has responsibilities. He’s said to be a dangerous substitute to replace embattled Finance minister Matia Kasaija. It’s said Gen. Museveni wants to deploy Kasaija to Gender ministry and either promote Amos Lugoloobi to full minister finance or bring in Omach as full minister. However, recent iron sheets saga where both Kasaija and Lugoloobi have been confirmed to have been among the bonanza beneficiaries might affect their chances as per hitherto Gen. Museveni’s initial plans!

Irene Muloni

Irene muloni
She’s the woman MP for Bulambuli and former energy minister. With Bugisu currently having annoyed the president over the actions of some of their daughters, a search for new people to fill the gap is reportedly on. Muloni in the 2021 cabinet announcement is said to have missed out by a whisker but now that two female ministers from the area are troubled over iron sheets, she’s being considered for a cabinet position again.

Peter Magomu Mashate

Mashate Peter Magomu
He has roots in both Mbale city and Sironko district. Mashate is a barrister practicing his work in London although we’re told he’s now back to permanently serve. We’re told with Museveni struggling to find someone honest enough to pursue his agenda for transforming Karamoja, Mashate is reportedly among those he’s looking at. Apparently, Mashate represented Museveni in a sensitive private case in UK which he ably won. Museveni got a brief that his accuser wanted to bribe Mashate with 3million pounds (about Shs15bn) to betray the president but he rejected the bribe and finally Museveni won. Mashate also represented Museveni in his court case filed by Kizza Besigye challenging his 2006 victory. He worked alongside now CJ Alphonse Dollo and other lawyers and finally Besigye was defeated in court. Since Karamoja needs a sober and sensitive person, Museveni is looking at Mashate who’s also a son of Bugisu to drive the Karamoja agenda.

Netelesire Kayagi

Netelesire Kayagi
She’s the woman MP for Namisindwa. She’s among those people who must be wearing smiles now that her opponent Goreti Kitutu is having issues. The two have been biffing especially after Goreti uprooted her from Manafwa as woman MP. Until recently when Namisindwa was created, Kayagi still viewed Goreti from a distance. We’re told even right now, they can’t share table. None the less, Kayagi is being looked at as one of the people to be appointed as state minister.

John Musila

Musila John
The MP for Bubulo East is also from Bugisu. He’s said to be part of the group under study for possible appointment.

Herbert Ariko

Herbert Ariko
He’s a freshly recruited man into NRM. He cemented his relationship with the ruling party when he stood for Soroti East and won on NRM ticket. We’re told Museveni wants to consolidate his gains and support in Soroti City and this will be done by Ariko. He’s being considered for youth affairs ministry currently under Nyirabasita Mateke.

Andrew Ojok

Oulanyah Andrew Ojok
He’s the son to former speaker Jacob Lokori Oulanyah. His one of the new blood being looked at alongside Koboko municipality MP Dr. Charles Ayume, also son to former speaker Francis Ayume. One of them is going to be appointed although Ayume stands a bettter deal according to Inspectors.

Abdu Katuntu

Katuntu Abdu
He’s the MP for Bugweri county. An independent but formerly FDC MP, Katuntu has been studied for appointment for now enough time. What remains is for Museveni to post him. He’s one of those being expected to join but as a state minister.

Harold Kaija

Harold Kaija
He’s a top leader in FDC. We’re told ever since Museveni fished many top FDC leaders to join his governmnent, he’s now convinced that he can still fish out more. He is looking for more vibrant leaders in FDC who can work with him. It’s not clear Kaija has been approached but we’re told he’s one of those Museveni men feels can work for Uganda. The fact that Kaija has stood several times to join parliament and the regional parliament but with little success, Museveni thinks his men can do research on Kaija and see if he’s ripe for fishing. Actually, research on him we’re told started around the same time his friend Oyet Simon was also placed under the same. Oyet has since been harvested but we don’t know if Kaija has been approached and what he thinks about it. But for Oyet, he’s said to be heading to foreign service as an Ambassador.

Joseph Luzige
He was a DP activist until he joined NRM. Actually, during his tenure as a leader at Makerere, he worked alongside Anita Among now speaker of parliament. Whereas Among has since progressed to number 3 position, Luzige has stagnated. He only won LC5 chairman position for Mityana. Now, we’re told Luzige is being looked at as one of the people who can be appointed and help rejuvanate NRM fortunes in Mityana region where Zzake Francis is commandeering. Luzige will beef up Judith Nabakooba whose impact is said to be still minimal in tackling NUP influence in Mubende region. Watch out for more names!

Tags : NRMPresident Yoweri MuseveniPRIME MINISTER OF UGANDA


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