
Iganga Goon Shocks Locals With Theft Tactics After Hiding Stolen Matooke

By Emmanuel Lwasi
Locals in Busei B village, Nakalama Subcounty in Iganga district have been treated to free drama after one of the locals managed to beat their intelligence and successfully hid a bunch of matooke he allegedly stole.

Awali Kyabaleyi an alleged serial thug in the area is reported to have stolen a bunch of matooke belonging to his villagemate Adam Mukwaya aged 56years.

It all started after Mukwaya found his banana plantation and house destroyed.
The suspect is alleged to have accessed the garden in the wee hours around 3am this morning as the owner was asleep.

Mukwaya claimed that he heard someone cutting his matooke and when he woke up, he found Awali Kyabaleyi carrying his bunch of banana and took off at a terrible speed, that when he tried to follow him, he got lost.

Mukwaya explained that to be sure he arrested the thug, he rushed to Awali’s house and laid an ambush until morning when he started making alarms to alert his villagemates.
“At 7am Awali opened after realizing that the chairperson LC1 was outside. A search for the matooke in his house was conducted but was negative. When questioned about the stolen matooke, Adam denied having stolen matooke” a local explained, adding that this angered Kyabaleyi who descended on Adam’s property and destroyed it.

The residents however, pinned Awali Kyabaleyi on being a serious goon and he always steals people’s goats, food, phones among others.
Meanwhile, area LC1 Waiswa Kamude, asked security agencies to tighten security within Busei because criminal acts are much.



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