
How Ak47 Guns Ended Up in Pastor Manjeri’s Bedroom

Pastor Manjeri

In an extremely shocking confession, celebrated city Pastor Irene Manjeri has disclosed that she has spent years entrusting her life to be guarded by AK47 rifles so as to avoid being killed.
Manjeri, the proprietor of Bethel Healing Centre made the revelation in a lengthy audio recording that has been aired pertaining to her domestic woes with her husband of 27 years, Dr. Vincent Katongole.

In the audio, Manjeri narrates how she has spent over 10 years clinging onto an irretrievably broken marriage in the hope that her once darling husband would change from the promiscuous Saul he has become into the loving Paul that he fell in love with in America about three decades ago.

“I have been patient for ten years waiting for things to change for the last ten years. We’re saved and I fear God so that’s why I have been waiting. It’s really a shame. But that’s life; things happen,” Manjeri said.
Manjeri further revealed that as things stand now, their marriage cannot be restored after she learnt that her husband was intending to marry a new woman sometime next year. The shocker however is her revelation that to pull off the new marriage, the husband has been plotting to kill her.

“They have even threatened to kill me; that they want to hire thugs to kill me because he has to wed the other woman. But it’s not necessary to kill me,” she said.

And The Guns?
The powerful pastor added that on getting wind of the plot to kill her she acquired gun-wielding policemen and it is these that have been guarding her during the entire time of their troubled marriage.
To put it plainly, she revealed that there is no single day she has slept in a house without AK47 guns.
“But I fear for my life; that’s why I cannot sleep where there is no security. I don’t stay where there’s no police. I even can’t remember the year when I last slept in a house without an AK47 gun for protection,” she said.

This revelation, however, will come as a big shock to many believers, given that the bible counsels humans to put all their security fears to Jesus. This is according to 2 Thessalonians 3:3, which says “But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” Likewise, Psalms 127:1 states that “Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”

Below is Pastor Manjeri’s full confession:

“My dear, they have given me the news. The big man is preparing to marry. I have been faithful for over ten years. They have even threatened to kill me; that they want to hire thugs to kill me because he has to wed the other woman. But it’s not necessary to kill me. The most important thing is that he has got another person. I wish them luck because I don’t have a bad heart. But I fear for my life; that’s why I cannot sleep where there is no security. I don’t stay where there’s no police. I even can’t remember the year when I last slept in a house without an AK47 gun for protection. But if he’s going to marry — I hear next year, it’s not bad. Good enough I have brought luck to the clan and the riches are there for all to see. He’s far better now than I found him. I gave them twins, yes, you’ll remember me for all that.

You’ll realize that I was a great asset (to the in-law’s clan). Now let another woman also try the marriage and we see how it will end. Good enough she is also a woman. Let me hold tighter onto Jesus. But he has wasted my time; probably I would have produced a child to give me company in old age. Now at this ripe age of 51 I even feel ashamed to move on even if a man came willing to marry me. I see as I would be wasting the man’s time.

I have been patient for ten years waiting for things to change for the last ten years. We’re saved and I fear God so that’s why I have been waiting. It’s really a shame. But that’s life; things happen. They will remember me as a woman who was really strong in faith and stayed away from promiscuity because I really hate adultery. Possibly that’s why I’m taken advantage of; because other people would become promiscuous once a partner begins philandering. I even fear HIV; I have prayed for many HIV patients and they got healed but I still fear it and I’ll never contract it because I’m not a philanderer. That’s all my dear; I’ve been of great value (to the husband and his clan) but let me opt out so that others can enjoy my sweat and the doors I opened. To God be the glory, Irene Manjeri.”

According to media reports, Manjeri decided to come clean on her marital woes to allegedly curtail speculation. Trouble for Manjeri erupted after she accused her husband of fathering three children with three different women. Dr. Katongole, also a pastor at Manjeri’s church, admitted to fathering a child out of wedlock. He however revealed that he and Manjeri separated long ago. He however didn’t divulge reasons for their separation.

Tags : AK 47Pastor Irene Manjeri

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