
Govt shamed as unpaid soldier kills Labor MinisterBy Richard Kintu

Hon Charles Okello Engola

Just a day after President Museveni emphasized the importance of good working conditions, an errant soldier has reminded government about the uglier reality of the dangers of unpaid armed men.

This is after reports indicating that a frustrated soldier has wasted the life of his boss over issues of salary nonpayment.
In sad news confirmed Tuesday by the speaker of parliament, a soldier shot to death state minister for Labour, Charles Okello Macodwogo following a feat of frustration.

Onlookers narrated that the minister who earned his place in cabinet because of pacifying northern Uganda was shot as he exited his house for work, Tuesday morning.
It is reported that after shooting the minister, the soldier went berserk, shooting in the neighborhood while venting his frustration for not being paid for long yet he works for a “whole minister”!

The ministe’s death is a huge eyesore for government especially following longstanding public complaints about he danger of unpaid armed men.
Minister Okello is the brother to long serving minister Sam Engola. A feared combatant he is credited for having helped to restore calm to northern Uganda where he commanded an onslaught on the LRA rebels. Latest reports show that the bodyguard later killed himself.

Watch this space!!

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