
Gen. Museveni Mourns Aponye, Says The Late Was An Active Actor In The Economy

VP Alupo leads others at the burial of Aponye

President Yoweri Museveni has hailed fallen businessman Apollo Nyegamehe, describing him as an active actor in the economy.

He says the late who was popularly known as Aponye was also a big supporter of the NRM, adding that he will be remembered for his business acumen and  entrepreneurial spirit.

The president said such attributes enabled the late Aponye to create wealth and jobs for many people.

“I urge especially the Bazukulu, to emulate his example of exploiting the prevailing favourable conditions of peace, stability, good infrastructure among others to create wealth and jobs” the CiC said in a message delivered for him by his ever loyal Vice President Maj. Jessica Alupo who represented him at a requiem mass in Muhanga town council in Rukiga district.

The General from Rwakitura said he was saddened to learn of the fatal accident which ‘stopped the beating of the heart’ of Aponye.

Former Prime minister Ruhakana Rugunda, Minister David Bahati welcoming VP Alupo at the burial ceremony

He conveyed his heartfelt condolences and also on behalf of NRM party, government and all Ugandans to the bereaved family.

“Our hearts go out to the wife Evangelist Mugabirwe Nyegamehe and the children, upon the loss of a family pillar. I wish to commiserate with the people of Kigezi and all Ugandans upon the loss of a great entrepreneur” he said before wishing the late Eternal Peace. The late Aponye died in a car crash over the weekend and owned a number of businesses and buildings especially in Kampala-editor.



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