
Gen. Museveni Lawyers Who Chased Kizza Besigye From Supreme Court Since 2006 Exposed

Kizza Besigye

Serial presidential election loser Col. Dr. Kizza Besigye vowed never to return to Supreme Court to challenge president Museveni’s poll victory. This was after he tried with little success to challenge the election verdict in 2001 and 2006 but court simply confirmed his opponent Gen. Museveni’s victory. The last statement Besigye made after losing the petition was that ‘Kkooti nfu’ (Court is dead). Indeed since the, up to 2016 when he stood, the man from Rwakabengo in Rukungiri has not stepped in Supreme Court again. However, little was said about the exact reasons why Besigye made that decision. It has come to our attention that indeed, Besigye had a reason to run away as Museveni had assembled a superb legal team to wrestle his men that up to now, he doesn’t want to challenge the election anymore! Who are these legal brains who saved Museveni from Besigye and where are they since 2006?


Dr. Joseph Byamugisha.
In total, Museveni had a 10-man legal team led by Dr. Joseph Byamugisha who in court was the lead lawyer.
Inspectors said upon executing Museveni’s mission on court, Byamugisha remained in private practice. At that time, Museveni had many of his pals deserting him famous among them was Eriya Kategaya. When Kategaya left Museveni, he became jobless and Byamugisha offered him space in his law chambers. It is here that Museveni was able to reach out to his former childhood pal to return to NRM. We’re actually told Dr. Byamugisha did some work on Kategaya and very soon, Kategaya went back to Museveni. Unfortunately, both great men have since passed on.

Alphonse Owiny Dollo
This one was a member of the legal team. According to Inspectors, he had a small white car of Carib model at the time. He would use it to chuffeur his teammates especially at the time of having lunch. It should be recalled that the Supreme Court at the time was housed in Mengo. So, every lunch hour, Dollo alongside some of his team members, would frequent some bufundas in Mengo for lunch riding in his white Carib.
We’re told the decision to dine in bufundas was to beat detection and possible poisoning by some bad hearted creatures. Secondly, the bufundas were good for the legal team to do brainstorming on legal jagons and tactics to be used against Besigye’s men led by counsel Wandera Ogalo.

After these bufunda meetings the Dollos would go and meet the bigger group at Akibua road where they would find chief tactician John Patrick Amama Mbabazi alias Mr. Kololo! It is here that the team would review the progress of the proceedings and how to counter attack the Besigye team. Inspectors said Amama chaired the meetings co-chaired by Byamugisha.

Dollo after the mission, went to Britain for Masters degree in Conflict Resolution at Bradford University. From there, he returned to Uganda and Gen. Museveni appointed him judge of the High Court and later then Court of Appeal and finally Supreme Court. He has crowned it by being appointed the head of the Judicial Arm of Uganda as Chief Justice! Dollo according to Inspectors is a very sharp incorruptible man. Now that he heads the supreme court, we don’t know if Besigye can even step near it’s fence! But recently, another oppositionist NUP principal Robert Kyagulanyi tried to challenge Museveni’s victory in supreme court oy for him to run away before the verdict was given.

Muzamiru Kibedi
He was part of the legal team in 2006. After, he remained in private practice running Kibedi and Co Advocates. From here, Museveni appointed him judge of High Court and recently in 2019, he was posted to Court of Appeal.

Peter Magomu Mashate
He’s a barrister at law of Lincoln’s inn London. After the battle of banishing Kizza Besigye from Supreme Court, he returned UK where he represented Gen. Museveni in various cases as a person. Inspectors said one of them was when Sevo was sued jointly with GoU and another when he was sued in his individual capacity by a certain Ugandan. Museveni we’re told was bound to lose the case only for Mashate to do miracles for him. He secured him victory in all. Mashate we’re now told has since returned to Uganda and awaits Museveni’s deployment.

Amama Mbabazi

Amama Mbabazi
At that time, he was NRM SG. When. Museveni swore in for a 3rd term, Amama was appointed minister for security and later prime minister. Even when he later in 2016 stood against his former pal, Amama who was the Chief tactician in the case has since returned to NRM. Gen. Museveni has now decided to rehabilitate him by giving him a job in the foreign service and sits in Segenal.



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