
Gen. Museveni Conglatulates ISO Boss Col. Oluka, Wife Upon Legalizing Their Marriage

Rt. Rev. Eibu Weds the couple

President Museveni has emphasized the need to safeguard the marriage institution, saying it’s through the union of a man and woman that society is built.
He says marriage serves two important unique roles which include creating permanent bonds among people from different families, clans and tribes in addition to being important for purposes of procreation and nurturance of life.

“Marriage creates unity by cementing the relationship between relatives of the groom and those of the bride. Marriage is like a bridge, it connects people from different backgrounds. Therefore, the social bonds are strengthened by marriage ties” the president said in a speech read for him by vice president Maj. Jessica Alupo Rose Epel on the wedding of ISO director general Col. Charles Oluka and his wife Harriet Akisa Oluka. The colorful ceremony took place at St. Patrick’s Church Madera-Soroti and was presided over by Rt. Rev. Dominic Eibu, the bishop of Kotido diocese assisted by Rt. Rev. Linos Wanok, the bishop of Lira diocese.

The president said that marriage is the foundation of a home where kids are nurtured to become responsible and productive members of society.
The man with a round hat Museveni noted that strong marriages produce strong and prosperous families.

“Therefore, the union of a man and a woman is important because it creates the foundation on which society is built” he said.
The president said society cannot perpetuate itself without strong and stable families, adding that social norms, values and customs of a society are learned from home.

He said children learn good behavior and their responsibility to society from home.
“It’s on this account that we should guard the marriage and family institutions from negative and foreign practices whose primary objective is to destroy our societies. Any practice that undermines the survival of the family institution must be resisted and defeated” he advised.
The CiC urged young people to embrace marriage and build strong and stable families to guarantee the prosperity and survival of society.

VP Alupo makes her offertory as the couple smiles

He encouraged Col. Oluka and his bride to anchor their marriage on love and good communication.
“Above all, you must depend on God who’s the author of your marriage. God’s will is that you must prosper as a couple and remain united and strong at all time” he counseled the newly-wed couple.

He congratulated the couple for taking a bold decision to enter into Holy Matrimony and wished them a happy and fruitful marriage.
“I want to thank Col. Oluka and Mrs. Harriet Akisa Oluka for inviting me to attend your wedding but I have not been able to attend due to earlier scheduled engagements” the CiC said adding that he was certain that his vice president Maj Alupo would ably represent him and also deliver his message.
Well, enjoy the pictures as captured by our Inspectors!

The couple kneel for blessings
VP Alupo conglatulates the couple


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