
Digital Adverts Ltd Commits to Improve Technology, Financial Inclusion

The Zzimba team champions while pausing for a photo at the event

By Sadique Bamwita

Digital Adverts Ltd, one of the fastest growing fintech companies has vowed to enhance financial inclusion through making products and services available and affordable to all people.

The E-Business solutions company made the commitment at a ceremony held Saturday to commemorate its first Anniversary in business.

Martin Musinguzi, the CEO Digital Advert Ltd, reiterated the company’s commitment, calling their anniversary a ‘dream come true’. “This is a dream that I got about 6 years and it gives me total happiness and inner satisfaction that today, we are celebrating one year in business. God has seen me through all this time,” he said. “Special thanks go to all the management team that has walked with me all this way. The company has an application which acts as a special purpose vehicle to enable online merchants and clients trying to grow revenue at any time and anywhere. We are here to disrupt technology and the advertising industry but also, make advertising less costly to all the businesses in Uganda and the world at large because we are on Google play and Apple store which are all accessed worldwide.”

He added that the company is also soon unveiling the E-Commerce platform where people can purchase goods at a subsidized price in order to ease the way of doing business in the ever-changing economy in the world.

L- R. Coach Zion Matimbo(Chief Trainer), CEO Martin Musinguzi, Min Joyce Ssebugwawo, Hajjat Leilah Noor(Country Director) and Ainomugisha Simon(Head of PR and Marketing) while pausing for a photo

The chief guest, Hon. State Minister for ICT & National Guidance noted that “It is pretty clear globally that fintech is playing an outsized role in disaggregating the financial services value chain in fundamental ways, making it more customer centric, nimble and efficient.” She also likened Digital Adverts Ltd App to a Swiss Army knife. “It is a magic tool that subscribers use to get many things done. With technology, the applications are being used by providers attacking the maddening inefficiencies in financial services delivery – finding vulnerabilities around risk, cost and customer experience that have made transactions seamless. What it means for me is that I can now piece together the best set of services for me, in a new and convenient way.” She added.

Speaking at the event, Babirukamu John (Guest speaker), a Digital Marketing Consultant, noted that internet usage in Uganda grew to 13.9m in January 2022, a rise by 31% since 2020, with a population growth of 3.02%. “At this rate, half our population will be online by 2035 and with a combined drop in data prices and smartphone prices, access will switch from simply getting people online to enabling services for the online. I can guarantee you that taxes, application for everything, banking and payments will become virtual, reflecting on the revolution currently in Kenya,” he said.

About digital ADS

Digital Ads Ltd is one of the fastest growing online payment and advertising platforms which is facilitating online transactions in the ever-changing economy in the world but operating Africa among the selected countries of operation.

Its turnaround application boasts of over 15k downloads and over 26,000 Subscribers/users and this portrays a huge opportunity for business growth on both ends. The platform acts as a special purpose vehicle for online merchants and clients trying to grow revenue at anytime and anywhere, and also pay utility bills like Yaka(Electricity), Water, Airtime and TV at their place of convenience. The competitive advantage of this platform/Application is that each bill paid, a regular client/activated member earns a 3% commission and our agents also get a commission of 5% from each sale/payment made.

The app has amazing products and its general major product is advertising!



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