
Crisis Looms As Foreign Affairs Bosses Battle Speaker Among’s Efforts To Curb Homosexuality! 


By John Taylor Imumet

Back home, the ministry for foreign affairs is naturally running it’s affairs as per the constitutional dictates, but what is on the table before the CiC Gen. Yoweri Museveni is an alleged stinking report arising from actions of some of the country’s foreign service officers!
Located near Christ the King Church, the ministry is politically managed by NRA bush war comrade Gen. Abubaker Odongo JeJe assisted by Henry Okello Oryem, John Mulimba and Vincent Waiswa Bagiire as the Permanent Secretary! The ministry we can reliably report is appearing in a negative form in the eyes of the president after a stinging report suggested that it’s foreign service officers are the reason the country has registered a surge in homosexuality recruitments and numbers! The options being considered now include recalling several foreign service officers/heads of missions in various embassies although the Kampala team continues to be rated positively on executing it’s mandate.

One by one, the ministry’s top brass has secretly been vetted with JeJe Odongo being reported to be a morally upright man with full respect to the law of nature, while his junior Henry Okello Oryem has been described as an organic person ready to tell you off if he sensed that your intentions are to detoxicate Uganda’s moral values. As for John Mulimba and PS Vincent Waiswa Bagiire, they are described as men with proper ideological and moral clarity! However, even as the four gentlemen ably manage the ministry from Kampala, the Foreign Service Officers are reported to be busy backstabbing the country’s efforts to safeguard it’s norms and values by being behind the recent increase in homosexuality agenda incidents in Uganda.


According to the highly guarded Intel, the recent onslaught against homosexuals championed by speaker of parliament Rt. Hon. Anita Annet Among also known as Senior Citizen is not by mistake.
We have credibly learnt that some of the Foreign Service Officers could have been paid heavily by homosexual groups to allow more of these men and women to enter Uganda by issuing Visas to them. The Visas we’re told are issued at such a terrible speed especially after the officers have been had their beaks wetted!

We’re told the conniving officers are issuing those travel documents to homosexuals desguising them as tourists.
Our Inspectors in State House said that some greedy officers have even gone ahead to give maps to these ‘tourists’ regarding possible areas of massive recruitment whenever they enter Uganda.

“The investigations should now focus on schools especially private schools including traditional schools and those single sex schools. Others are churches, NGOs mainly women NGOs and music artists. This is where the ‘tourists’ are targeting. They are many in dancehalls almost in swanky clubs upcountry and in Kampala” says a top inspector, adding that a top Women NGO attached to a senior politician is heavily involved in promoting this vice through what it calls it’s ‘blind donors’.

At one moment, this feminist NGO allegedly made a budget worth Shs5bn but had nothing on its account. However, when members asked for where the money will come from, the head allegedly said it will come (and indeed it came) from ‘our blind donors’, the people who do not want to be disclosed.
Now, we’re told in drafting the new anti-gay bill, all this has been captured targeting the promoters, funders and related aspects.

“The Foreign Service Officers must come home because even in their discussions on their platforms, it confirms that they have been sending homosexuals to Uganda disguising as tourists. We must support (speaker) Among to have this nation saved from this evil. It’s big war she (Among) can’t fight alone” says an Inspector.


The vibe with which Among speaks whenever talking about the issue of homosexuals is not by any mistake.
We’re told Gen. Museveni is happy that Among has come out to help the country and put it’s position on the matter straight. This is why he has given all the greenlight for the law to be passed without any mistake like it was done previously when Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga was in the chair as speaker.

In fact, to prove that this is no longer an NRM war alone but a national issue, this is why Museveni had no issues having opposition MP Asuman Basalirwa table the bill. Initially, it was tabled by NRM MP David Bahati but was quashed by court on having been passed without quorum.
It should be recalled that Basalirwa’s initial coming to parliament was as a result of Bobi Wine who, through his People Power Movement camped in Bugiri and finally delivered Basalirwa who thumped an NRM candidate.

At first, Inspectors said Museveni was okay with it but Basalirwa started behaving like a real Bobi Winist hence the reason a plan to tame him started!
It was reported that emissaries were dispatched to sweettalk him to abandon Bobi but he remained adamant until a plot was hatched to kick him out of parliament through a petition that challenged creation of municipalities.

“Museveni didn’t mind whether it affected even his other members like Elioda (Sheema municipality) and the rest, but wanted to prove a point to Basalirwa. The rest were collateral damage” explained an inspector. At first, these MPs were kicked out by court and when Basalirwa allegedly normalized relations with the CiC, that’s how it died in the Court of Appeal and he finished his last term in parliament.

We’re told the first test was for Basalirwa who heads oppositon party-Jeema not to unveil his party as People Power even as there had earlier been alleged secret talks with Bobi Wine for Jeema to unveil as such. When Jeema downplayed this request from the ghetto gladiator, this is why Bobi hastily organised at Kamwokya the official launch of PPM.
“The issue was not for Basalirwa to join NRM but for him not to get over involved with Bobi Wine. He had to work independently. And now that he is the one championing the Anti-gay bill, Museveni is all smiles that his comrade is hitting musicians since they are said to be heavily getting money from homos to promote this vice” says an Inspector.

We’re told Museveni is also happy with Anita Among for being combative whenever she’s talking about the issue. The president, we’re told is even willing to award Anita Among with a medal once parliament passes this bill without any chances of it being challenged on technicalities. It should be recalled that Rt. Hon. Among has already decreed that voting on all clauses of this bill will be done through open voting not secret.

“The people must know the kind of leaders they have. You’re either for us or supporting homosexuals. We shall not allow our cherished morals to be distorted by homosexuals” she said a few days ago on the eve of the tabling of the bill. Watch this space!

Tags : NRMPresident Yoweri MuseveniRt. Hon. Anita AmongSpeaker of ParliamentUganda Parliament


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