
Hard Times Ahead! Inside ‘Operation Bye-bye Parliamentary Commissioners’ And Their Impending Arrest For Alleged Abuse Of Office!

Political science has already been deployed in the process to finally seal the fate of the embattled four Parliamentary Commissioners.

With the Hon. Theodore Sekikubo group having secured the required signatures, the game plan is soon begining.

Inspectors have revealed to this site details of the plan though we shall reveal it small, small.

To begin with, the petitioners are going to be given time to thoroughly work on the evidence of their motion which is said to be in abundance as it involves even other untold hair-raising specifics. 

When this is done, the petitioners will notify the clerk to Parliament seeking a slot on the order paper. From here, as expected, they expect hide and seek games making the process of getting the matter on the floor becoming lengthy. But be it as it may, there’s an alleged Plan B!

Because the petition has got a crowd of NRM legislators, these are going to petition the party leadership seeking for an urgent NRM caucus sitting to discuss this matter as to why it is not being given priority on the floor yet President Museveni had started becoming a darling of the wanainchi due to his ongoing campaign to weed out kawukuumi (bean weevils) from Parliament and therefore Government.

We’re also told there’s a possibility of the caucus meeting before it (petition) even goes on the floor to send a signal to the clerk to Parliament not to delay in putting this matter on the order paper now that the signatures are secured and in plenty!

“Immediately, the NRM chairman will instruct the Government Chief Whip to summon the caucus as demanded by its own members. Obua will have no choice but to call the caucus immediately to sit and resolve on the matter” explained an inspector.

Inspectors suggested that two things will be resolved in the caucus. One is for the caucus to resolve that the matter be included on the order paper without any further delay even if it means suspending all other businesses of the house. The Government Chief Whip will be tasked to deliver this noise to the authorities in parliament who are also bound by the caucus resolutions. Secondly, the caucus sitting will also discuss the merits of the motion as presented by its members led by Sekikubo and group. The likely resolution is that the commissioners should resign their seats. In the impending caucus, the embattled (NRM) commissioners will be tasked to explain themselves and in case they give unconvincing (as expected) answers, they will be given a chance to offer their resignation instead of facing a censure which could result into their eventual prosecution (just in case IGG chooses to pick them up for abuse of office). 

It should be recalled that one of the simple ways of a commissioner losing his or her seat is by resignation, a window which they are likely to use to avoid embarrassment. This same window was given by the caucus chaired by Museveni to then ministers Kabakumba Matsiko, Kiddu Makubuya and Syda Bbumba.

In case they (commissioners) refuse, as per the detail from Inspectors, the house shall sit and the Commissioners’ fate will be sealed. In this debate, according to Inspectors there’s also another motion likely to come which shall be adopted by majority MPs but will end up in NRM Central Executive Committee (CEC) chaired by Gen. Yoweri Museveni for a final decision. Not only are they losing their seats (if censured), but also they are going to vomit what they took in addition to alleged eventual prosecution for ‘abuse of office’ depending on what the ODPP/IGG will decide. 

It should be recalled that President Museveni while addressing MPs at Kololo recently, he told them not to involve his name in their internal issues but strongly warned of his impending action on those who are corrupt. 

We’re told because of this, he will only be watching from the back seat, offer a venue, eats and drinks to members as things begin to unfold in the house without making any ‘intervention’ to save anyone.

“The President is ready for anything the caucus will decide. He will not intervene like he did to save his man Amama Mbabazi on Temangalo. He wants MPs to sort themselves after all, they are the ones who elected their leaders. If they feel they should quit, that’s their business and he’s ready for that for the good of the wider public” said an inspector.

During a meeting on Wednesday with Ghetto Youths at State House, Museveni asked the wanainchi to deal with corrupt leaders especially MPs and LCs saying these are the ones blocking proper flow of services to them. Already, almost 200 MPs have signed the petition seeking for a ‘debate’ and removal of the four men and women whom they think are squatters in the Parliamentary Commission having dirtened themselves with Shs500m controversial service Award. So far, Museveni has Kahinda Otafiire among his Generals who has backed the public in demanding accountability from their leaders.

Watch this space as things begin to unfold in that parliament.

Tags : NRMPresident Yoweri MuseveniUganda Parliament

The author FIP

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