
Defected! To Hell With NRM Vote Rigging, Intrigue! Ex-NRM MPs Dump Museveni For Bobi Wine, Say NUP Is More Organized And Is The Solution To Uganda’s Troubles!

By Juma Nsubuga 

A section of former legislators subscribing to the ruling party-NRM have explained reasons behind their defection to opposition National Unity Platform (NUP).

Johnson Muyanja Ssennyonga (Mukono South) Temulanda Sarah Nakawunde (Mpigi), Kyewalabye Majegere (Bunya East) among others have given us the reasons for their defection citing hypocrisy, greed and mistreatment in NRM but most importantly, the party’s vote rigging appetite.

Speaking to our field inspector, the fire spitting former legislators bashed NRM saying they are now very comfortable in their newly found home.

The ex-legislators showered praises on NUP boss Robert Kyagulanyi Bobi Wine, saying he accords respect to everyone and is allergic to intrigue and stealing votes, which they claimed are part of NRM’s blood circulation system.

“Thank you Bobi wine for saving my political career. I now feel more stronger  and stronger than I used to be in NRM. My political career has been resurrected by NUP” a bitter Ssenyonga who lost his parliamentary seat to DP’s Fred Kayondo said during an interview with our field inspector. He said that because of NUP, he is now more stronger and safer and ready to contest for any parliamentary seat any where whether in Mukono municipality under Betty Nambooze or dislodging his tormentor Kayondo.

The former Buganda caucus chairperson had no kind words for NRM which he accused of ditching him upon losing his MP seat, adding that the warm reception accorded to him by NUP leadership gave him more  political courage and morale.

“I have never seen a well disciplined political party like NUP. This party is so organized . The degree of respect in NUP is very high whereby every member has to respect others which is not in other parties especially NRM. I thank the NUP  principal Robert Kyagulanyi Bobi Wine for giving me an opportunity to continue with my political career because I have a lot of unfinished businesses in parliament and i will start from where I stopped in the 10th parliament” he said. He said Bobi Wine knows his full capabilities, adding that among all parties, NUP is rivaled by none in resonating with the cries of the common person.

“NUP is so different from other political parties in Uganda. When NRM dropped me with many other colleagues, we  thought it was the end of our political journey but the mighty party (NUP) saw our capabilities and choose to work with us.  Am so happy and confident that NUP is the solution for the  problems affecting Ugandans” Ssennyonga said and vowed never to ever return to NRM.

Muyanja is an educationist and owns St.Johns schools. He is also a former Mayor of Mukono before joining parliament where he served for one term.

Another defector Sarah Nakawunde Temulanda, who is also a chalk ‘eater’ and served for two terms before being ejected from parliament by the same NUP through Teddy Nambooze, bashed NRM for forgetting about her and treating her like a piece of rag.

“I have a lot of issues with NRM of which I cant reveal but I joined NUP because it is the only option to serve my people” she said.

In her submission, Temulanda seemed to have an axe to grind with former trade minister Amelia Kyambadde who equally lost to NUP’s Hillary Kiyaga. She claimed that the former minister allegedly had a special vein in her body that she used to fight her until she lost her bread.

As for Waira Kiwalabye Majegere, a man from Kyabazinga’s land, intrigue is the reason that forced him out of the ruling party. The former Bunya East MP in the 9th and 10th parliament, added that hypocrisy among NRM secretariat bosses also brought tears on this face.

“There is a lot of mistreatment and vote rigging among NRM top leaders. When it comes to voting period, they have their list of people whom they want to go through and cheat others. They connive against other candidates which has greatly affected that party. But I don’t regret, I got another new home and I’m okay with my new party (NUP). I don’t regret leaving NRM because I found a new home full of vibrant, young, focused leaders. I consulted my voters before joining NUP and they are okey with it and very much ready to help me reclaim my parliament seat” he said adding that actually he regrets the time he spent in NRM because NUP is so organized and developmental. He said what NRM knows very well is intrigue among it’s members and electoral rigging.

Other NRM former MPs who were abandoned and crossed to NUP include Ntende Robert (Bunya south), Andrew Kaluya (Kigulu south) among others.


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