
Banned! I don’t Want To See Anyone Importing Cables Anymore! Gen. Museveni Orders As He Lauds Mehta For Championing Sugar Industry In Uganda!

President Museveni has issued a ban on importation of cables, a move aimed at supporting local manufacturers of these items. One of the local manufacturers is Mehta who produces sugar, ethanol and biogas electricity among other ventures.

“In the meantime, as we are still importing petroleum, I now direct that all oil companies blend imported petroleum with the ethanol made by our people here. Secondly, I will also not allow the importation of cables, yet they are manufactured here with our raw materials.” the President said.

He commended Mehta Group for pioneering the sugar industry in Uganda. 

“I also thank them, particularly, Mahendra Mehta and his wife for not giving up after the disappointment of Idi Amin. When we called them back, they came immediately,” he said. 

Museveni who was accompanied by his wife Janet Kataha Museveni, made the remarks while officiating at the centenary (100 years of existence) celebrations of Sugar Corporation of Uganda Ltd (SCOUL) in Lugazi Municipality. 

SCOUL, the first sugar factory in Uganda was established in 1924 by the late Nanji Kalidas Mehta, the founder of Mehta Group.

 The President also congratulated Mehta Group for their resilience, determination and loyalty to Uganda. 

“On behalf of Uganda and that of the National Resistance Movement, I want to thank and congratulate the Mehtas on two counts; number one, the elder Mehta who pioneered the Sugar Industry in 1924. I thank him and congratulate him, and I also congratulate Mzee Mehta who came to Uganda in 1952 after studies and started being engaged in the management of the group. That’s 72 years now, that is a good contribution,” he noted. 

The President further revealed that the NRM government’s wise decision to return properties to the Asians who had been expelled by former President Idi Amin played a crucial role in attracting the Asians to invest more in Uganda.

“I want to thank the Mehtas because right now they are producing sugar, cables, they are also producing 16 megawatts of electricity from biogas, they are producing ethanol, biofertilizers and they are also growing roses,” he said. 

Museveni pledged to support Mehta’s horticulture and floriculture business. 

He was also pleased with Mehta Group for taking on his advice of growing their own sugarcane used in sugar production. 

“Sugarcane is not a high value crop and our farm-holders have small acreage; four acres and less so to involve them in sugarcane growing is really to divert them from solving their own problems. The only people who can make money from sugarcane, maize and other crops is by using extensive agriculture. Therefore relying on out-growers was not a good strategy. I’m now glad you listened to me, and you now grow your own sugarcane so that you can stabilize your supply.” he said.

First Lady Janet Museveni applauded the founder of Mehta Group, the late Nanji Kalidas Mehta for coming to Uganda at the age of 13 years to set up a sugar factory here.

“I want to congratulate the Mehta family on their contribution to the development of Uganda through their many different enterprises such as the sugar industry, Cement and building materials, electrical cables, horticulture and floriculture and many others. The Mehta Group is one of Uganda’s largest industrial conglomerates.” she said.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of Mehta Group, Mahendra Mehta thanked President Museveni and Janet for gracing the group’s celebrations. He also lauded President Museveni for creating an enabling environment that had enabled companies like Mehta to thrive in Uganda.

Mehta further informed the President that the group also plays an important role in the social development of the country through their various contributions to the education and health sectors. 



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