
Shs13bn FDC Bribe Saga Deepens As NRM Lays Bare 2026 Grand Plan For FDC



Untold secrets regarding the ongoing squabbles within the Forum for Democratic Change [FDC] have exclusively landed on our desk. The party is currently nursing a nasty internal battle that threatens to extinct it. In fact, some media outlets have quoted FDC secretary General Nathan Nandala Mafabi suggesting that Kizza Besigye is not a founder member of FDC a situation that hints on the alleged grand project that our inspectors briefed us on. In this expose, we tell you what’s passing under the bridge!


Prior to this election, Gen. Museveni flew to United Kingdom and on his agenda was on how to tame Nandala Mafabi. He thus met the nephew to Dan Wadada Nabudere who is also his private lawyer in London-Barrister Peter Magomu Mashate. In that meeting, inspectors said Museveni asked him to help him return to Uganda and be funded to dislodge Mafabi from Budadiri West. We are told Mashate informed the man from Rwakitura that even as he would have wanted to execute this mission, he was still serving a contract with United Nations which if he cancelled, would have far reaching consequences not only on Uganda but also on him as a person. Museveni understood his case and asked him to propose someone to assist in this Nandala issue. He proposed then minister for presidency Dr. Mukaye Beatrice Wabudeya! A Musiita like Museveni, Beatrice hails from Budadiri East but married to Wabudeya who is a Muwalasi from Bumawusi in Budadiri West! Henceforth, Museveni returned and briefed Mukaye on the proceedings of the London meeting.

“I have been told that you’re the only solution for me to get rid of Nandala. My people are telling me that you can dislodge him from that constituency” Museveni according to inspectors told Mukaye who immediately abandoned her Sironko woman MP seat to tussle it out with Nandala in the deadliest election. She however, didn’t make it.

Inspectors said, when Mukaye failed, Museveni didn’t sit. With Walk to Work protests already giving government sleepless nights as other presidents in North Africa including Muammer Gadafi were falling, Museveni didn’t take it lightly. Inspectors said his fears were heightened when a hair-raising intel came suggesting that Kizza Besigye funders were allegedly using Nandala Mafabi to channel in ‘politically dirty money’ to dislodge Museveni. Apparently, Mafabi had scooped the leadership of the most influential Bugisu Cooperative Union [BCU] and yet he was also FDC treasurer deputized by Anita Among [now speaker].

It was stated according to the brief that whenever BCU exported coffee worth a certain amount of money, that amount would be multiplied several times and it landed on the entity’s account disguised as coffee returns! Other alleged ways [then] of getting money into Besigye’s FDC was through fuel dealers who would bring in fuel but money remained in Uganda to fund walk to work protests. The funders would clear the fuel from abroad and the would-be dollars for buying this fuel by local dealers would secretly be channeled to walk to work!

Somehow according to inspectors, Museveni landed on this alleged BCU project and henceforth directed his then trusted minister for trade and industry Amelia Ann Sserwaano Kyambadde to comb every corner of BCU. Amelia started by suspending the Nandala leadership to allow investigations. In the meantime, Anita Among as deputy treasurer was working with NRM entrepreneurs’ league boss and tycoon Hajji Hassan Basajjabalaba which somehow; according to inspectors made Museveni confortable as far as Anita’s possible dealings in respect of FDC were concerned!

Nandala only returned after ‘necessary’ measures and compromises had been established and he has remained at the helm of BCU to date without any further disturbances from the state!

Inspectors said it is therefore, not surprising that yesterday, Nandala came out and threatened to expose Kizza Besigye as a man who has been feasting on ‘dirty money’ throughout his four-time presidential election bids! He even threatened to reveal all his sources of ‘dirty money’!

At the center of this hullaballoo is the alleged Shs13bn which a section in FDC including Kizza Besigye claim was handed to Nandala Mafabi and Amuriat Oboi by NRM to kill FDC and also destroy Robert Kyagulanyi’s National Unity Platform [NUP]. So nasty the war is that; Nandala has even put Besigye on notice that he is not a founder member of FDC, a statement that our inspectors have explained its real intention!


We are told as 2026 approaches, many things are bound to happen. First of all, there is an alleged plan to zone this country in terms of political parties and their strongholds.

UPC as it is the case is confined in Lango sub-region but under the alleged calculations for 2026; the western region will be painted yellow [read NRM].

With Norbert Mao heading DP, he will be left to base in Acholi while NUP is seen as more concentrated in Buganda. According to inspectors, FDC is seen as a party with strong roots in Teso sub-region and so, according to the alleged project, all efforts must be made to confine it in this sub-region and take it away from Kigezi where its ‘confusing’ NRM fans.

“Not that parties will not campaign in all regions, but every party must be seen to have its stronghold/home place. Besigye has been confusing people in Kigezi with his FDC and this divides our people of NRM. But can you tell me how many MPs from western are FDC? FDC has been strong in Teso. This is where it should be confined and will be monitored closely as its done to UPC in Lango” explained an inspector, adding that the current squabbles are partly aimed at making FDC a ‘Teso affair’ the reason both Nandala and Amuriat are fighting tooth and nail to weed out all forces that seem to want to grab this authority!

It should be recalled that Nandala is a Mugisu but marries from Teso while Amuriat himself is an Itesot too! Geographically, Sironko and Mbale City border Teso’s Bukedea district. With this alleged project on the table, NRM is looking at FDC bringing not more than three MPs, DP the same, UPC the same as it tussles it out with NUP which the party thinks will also have its numbers reduced drastically.

“The idea is to have many parties in parliament although NRM will have majority seats. All we’re looking at is legitimacy and we don’t want these parties to die out completely. They will remain and get funding from the EC” explained an inspector.

Meanwhile, as Nandala concentrates on FDC squabbles that threaten his political career, Gen. Museveni has finally convinced Barrister Mashate to take him [Nandala] on in Budadiri west come 2026. However, according to inspectors, there is a proposal to have Nandala go to the regional-East African Legislative Assembly in 2026 just like DP secretary General Gerald Siranda did when DP singed an MoU with the ruling party boss! It is however, not clear whether or not Nandala is aware of this said plan. Watch this space!

Tags : amuriat oboiKizza BesigyeNandala Mafabi


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